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  • Simplified global payments. We deliver payments to freelancers in over 170 countries.
  • Includes Upwork Payment Protection. Only pay for work you authorize.
  • Invoicing and reporting. Access your invoices and transaction history on Upwork.

Call notes

The strengths:
  1. Quick contracting for various business needs jobs on demand that would be considered "short-term"
    1. Marketing support, graphic design, video production, coding, website design, writing, etc.
    2. As we grow the business, there will no doubt be things like this that come up, where under-resourced teams can get one-off project boosts
  2. Wide variety of services with visibility on individual contractor rates, reviews, and portfolios
  3. Upwork holds burden of employer responsibilities, not us
  4. Versatile and flexible for addressing any business needs or gaps that would be unreasonable to hire a dedicated employee for
  5. Offers access to low-cost, flexible, and fast services
  6. Could be a shared resource for all leaders in the company and get some long-standing/on-hold items dealt with quickly
The downsides:
  1. Requires knowledge of exact business needs before it would be worth establishing an agreement with Upwork
    1. You could treat it as a retainer service, but that may be a poor balance of cost and reward
    2. We'd need to have one or two projects in mind before approaching them for an agreement
  2. Technically just a freelancing hub service, so quality risks are always possible

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