Human Predictions

Human Predictions

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


We care about diversity and though we’re not perfect, we’re always working on diversifying the perspective, experience, and backgrounds contributing to our team. Our team ranges from awesome and curious beginners to talent leaders and Software/Product/Data engineers who have worked at Thoughtworks, DRW Trading, Groupon, Prismatic and IDEO.

We gather public data and use machine learning to predict when people are more likely to be open to new job opportunities when people are more likely to respond to an email, when people are more likely to relocate, and other key indicators that help improve how and when you connect with someone!

Product Summary

How it works

  1. Scan the public web looking for people in the tech industry with public profiles.
  2. Once we find a profile, we then look for any other public profiles that person might have.
  3. We check those public profiles on a daily or weekly basis, logging any additions, changes, deletions to any of their profiles or sites.
  4. Then we use this information to predict things like: who might be looking for a job, more responsive to cold emails, or open to relocation.

In addition to our predictions, we’ll also show you what people are building and saying in niche tech communities. We’ll tell you if they’ve spoken at a conference or if they’ve made any open source contributions. Do they have commit access into any popular open source projects? Do they answer questions on Stack Overflow? Which Meetup groups are they involved with? You’ll learn a lot more about someone than just what’s on their resume.

Product Features

Predictions. Find out who is most likely to be looking for a new job and receive notifications about them.

Monitor people with Watch Lists and receive notifications when they publish new blog posts, tweets, open source libraries, conference talks as well as when people update resumes, edit personal websites, join Meetup groups, spike in twitter activity, or have work anniversaries when their stock is likely to be vesting.

Advanced Search. Search broader technology categories and let us validate those skills.

Because of all the data we use to create a profile, it gives us the ability to search a much broader list of technology categories. Allowing you to find people with experience in Security, Blockchain, DevOps, Machine Learning or any specific role you need without having to search multiple technologies or keywords.

Social Graph. Make more meaningful connections with our assistance

We’ll help you connect better with a candidate by giving you talking points and tapping into employee networks so you can discover mutual connections, hobbies, interests, schools, teams, cities, music and much more!

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