This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team
Search millions of profiles in any profession, anywhere in the world
HiringSolved makes it faster and easier to find the right person for any job. Our people aggregator gathers data from across the web and filters the most relevant information into a database of candidate profiles. With global coverage, all skill sets, the most advanced search capabilities on the market, and jaw-dropping speed, you’ll be able to source the perfect candidate in seconds.
For solo recruiters
When you manage everything on your own, HiringSolved makes your job easier with features that work for you like candidate cloning, smart search suggestions and automatic skill analysis.
For teams
Teams love that they can coordinate their sourcing efforts, manage and assign candidates, easily export data, view reports, and use our advanced search on their private resume database.
For enterprise
HiringSolved makes it simple for enterprise teams to share data, integrate with other tools, de-duplicate their ATS or CRM database, or customize and white label our technology to fit their needs.
Global database
HiringSolved works for any language and pulls data from all over the world, so whether you need to find a candidate in Chicago or China, we’ve got you covered. Plus, you can search in any language.
All skill sets
There are plenty of places to find candidates, but this is the only talent aggregator with a searchable database that doesn't focus on one skill set or category. Our mission is to find everyone.
Find similar candidates
In addition to offering advanced Boolean search, HiringSolved allows you to search by example, uploading a resume to instantly find similar candidates with comparable skill sets and qualities.
Additional Resources
Technology Demo Notes
6.26 Call Notes
- It is a tool that is crawling the web
- Global search
- Results can come with different sites where the person was found, contact info where applicable
- The way to search for certain titles, can use more complex Boolean syntax:
- So can search and include company name, like example above – someone from company that was a PM
- You can include more than 1 location in a search, with 1 radius
- Can upload a resume and it will pull people that match things that it pulls instead of writing in Boolean and doing other search – more a pattern based search
- This information is ‘private’ to team – can share data within a team, but doesn’t go out to the HiringSolved community at all. They do not ingest data that way
- Can add Boolean in addition to this similar search tool to narrow it further
- Can leverage to track people (NOT an ATS or CRM, so for our internal purposes, you can tag to keep them in a folder but you will need to track outreach in iCIMS).
- Can remove tags from profiles as well
- You can scroll down from main page to topics (like in above snip), click on one that you want and it will take you to a pre-built Boolean list that they use – could be helpful for just starting out or for ideas
- By clicking on history button at the top left, you can look at your prior searches, and easily click to pull it again
- Can export into csv/excel doc results that you want, if wanted for any reason
- You can also download profiles to your computer if you want
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