Gartner Talent Neuron
This tool has been solely researched by WilsonHCG Innovation Team
The most comprehensive source of global talent analytics
Make data-driven talent decisions. Tap into global talent, location and competitive insights for any industry or function with TalentNeuron.
Quality data validated by experts
Predictive analytics for forecasting
On-demand dashboards
Custom research services
Build your winning talent strategy
Forecast your future workforce. Make workforce planning more future-focused by understanding three-year forecasts around talent supply and wage inflation.
Create long- and short-term sourcing plans. Move from head count planning to strategic workforce planning by identifying talent trends across the globe.
Pinpoint emerging roles and skills. Identify future skill requirements and gaps by understanding how key roles and skills are evolving in your industry.
Accelerate geographic growth with reduced risk
Improve location selection for growth and expansion. Identify optimal locations for future investment based on availability of talent as well as macroeconomic factors.
Identify locations to consolidate your footprint. Pinpoint locations with the availability of talent needed for your organization.
Find hidden talent pools that optimize cost. Perform comparisons and rankings of your shortlisted locations based on various talent, cost and macroeconomic criteria.
Stay ahead with competitive Insights
Analyze competitor hiring trends. Incorporate competitive intelligence in your talent and business strategic planning by understanding key competitors’ hiring trends.
Discover new competition for key talent. Think strategically about how to acquire talent by looking at what your competition is doing.
Understand market disruptors. Identify emerging trends and risks to forecast talent demand by using external labor market data.
Talent supply and demand data from 65,000 global sources:
Corporate recruiting sites
Job boards
Government and trade publications
University portals
Research networks
Proprietary databases
Federal, state and local census data
Corporate filings
News aggregators
Government organizations
Gartner insights
Social media platforms
Subject matter experts and on-demand data for:
4,000 locations in 150+ countries
1.5 billion candidate profiles
120 million companies
10,000 universities
30,000 skills
4 billion job ads
850 million salary data points
Data continuously tested for quality and accuracy:
Dedicated data quality specialists, data scientists and labor economists review and validate reports.
Internal and external collaboration around the globe cross-validates regional data and trends.