

This solution has been researched solely by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Vendor Blurb

Yello is a comprehensive recruitment solutions vendor with products that cover hiring needs ranging from early careers, experience professionals, and diversity-focused pipelining. In 2021, Yello also acquired WayUp, folding their diversity-focused, early careers platform into their broader offerings.


Resources and Collateral






Screenshots, Images, and Attachments (paste/upload into boxes below)





Overview of Solutions and Features

Supported Regions
  • NAM (US and Canada) and some of the UK (for now)

Language Capabilities
  • English interface, but you can add event content in any language

Required/Optimal Integrations
  • None required, but optimal with CRM/ATS integration

Average Time-to-Implement
  • 2-3 weeks depending on complexity of solution and integrations

Solution Focuses
What it solves/achieves
How it works/notable features
Solution Focuses
What it solves/achieves
How it works/notable features

Sourcing (WayUp)

Identify qualified early career talent to track and achieve diversity-related metrics along the CN pipeline.

Reach out at scale using automated concierge sourcing Bots to maximize recruiter impact.

  • WayUp talent marketplace brings engaged early careers professionals to your branded company page

  • Build brand recognition, promote jobs, and target specific skill profiles using advanced search filters and matching technology


Campus hiring events (virtual and in-person) designed to be a one-stop-shop for all event management needs

  • Registration process is customizable to track the information you need to capture

    • Minimum of first name, last name, and email

    • Can add or minimize the number of fields as needed

    • Information isn't auto-populated as talent registers, but once the event begins the attendance information collected is populated from the registration form

  • Yello tracks registration, attendance metrics automatically

  • 3,000 attendees for webinars

    • Additional can join but don't have the chat capabilities available to them

    • Best kept as an invite-only event (rather than open to public registration), but can do both, as needed

      • Registration process contains language saying that not every person who registers will be included in the event (they're signing up to be confirmed later)

  • Up to 55 individuals for interactive, individual experience-based event sessions

  • Event setup process (owned primarily by client/end-user)

    • Designed to be easy to set up yourself (user-friendly, self-service)

    • Dedicated customer success managers for help, as well

    • Can copy past events as templates for future ones

  • Mobile Application for streamlining the event itself (Booth managers)

    • Your representatives can use the phone app (online or offline modes) to help manage, track, and keep tabs on CNs and the discussions they're having throughout the day

    • Replaces the resume for Attendees, as well, so they don't have to carry on with them

    • Notes

      • Track CN engagements with notes on registrant profiles

      • Customizable fields (add/remove questions/data points/evaluation metrics, etc.)

  • Export attendee lists and send branded/templated follow-up content after the event

    • Separate mesaging for CNs who were/weren't identified as a fit for the role

    • Survey capability in-platform

  • Fully Virtual Events

    • Very similar in terms of processes and tools available to RCs

    • More video-based than chat-based

      • CNs book a timeslot to chat with the RC, rather than initiating message exchanges

  • Metrics and event analysis

    • Attendees, CN quality (who was marked to move forward, etc.)

    • Full dashboard for data review

      • Integrated with ATS for improved funnel reporting

    • Export via .CSV or other file types


Provides basic CRM functionality to companies or teams without an existing system (moderate functionality)

  • Engage with CNs and tracking response rates, activity, and diversity metrics along the pipleline

  • Reporting and trend analysis


Handles a variety of scheduling processes (screens, HM interviews, panels, etc.)

  • CN can use a portal that shows availability to select from

    • Integrated with Google or Outlook calendars

    • Or manually set up with preferred availability

  • Panel/multi-interviewer scheduling

    • One-time setup where we sync everyone's calendars within the organization at once (makes panel interviewing much easier)

  • Interviews/screens are set up by default to Yello's video platform

Development Roadmap
Anticipated Launch
Anticipated Launch

Zoom/MS Teams Integration for Scheduling Tools

  • Sets up interviews/screens with meeting links for each platform type (default to Yello’s proprietary platform for now)

Early 2022


  • Ranges based on needs (average of $100k per year for Enterprise-level solutions)

  • See attached Partnership Proposal for sample pricing

    • Pricing exclusive to WHCG for 2 core packages

      • Event/Campus Recruiting Platforms

        • Up to 50 virtual events per year (basic amount for this package)

          • Less extensive than WayUp's virtual events, where ours could be virtual webinars, university workshops, in-house hiring events, information sessions, etc.

            • Can be any event where you collect CN information and share insights about your recruitment opportunities ( very flexible, doesn't have to be major events)

          • Could hold de-scope discussions if needed, where a client is using fewer than 50 events


    • WayUp Solutions

      • Basic WayUp solution package with similar specs to the Carrier WayUp setup

        • DE&I Analytics

      • Can adjust the package requirements if base cost is too high (for example, removing DE&I analytics)

        • Can also discuss POC pricing that's cheaper, for when WHCG is covering the pilot cost themselves

Typical Duration of Agreement
  • 2-3 year terms (can do 1-year, as well)

Pilot/Trial Opportunities
  • See Partnership Proposal attached above



Strengths and Opportunities

(potential benefits and/or use cases for the solution)

  • Yello’s approach to hiring events (virtual and in-person) is strong, particularly around using dozens of small-scale virtual events throughout the year, rather than putting all your resources and time into 1 or 2 (which may result in fewer leads or a less fluid candidate experience in terms of availability)

  • Scheduling tools are always valuable, especially when it comes to high-volume hiring where panel or round-robin scheduling is crucial for getting candidates moved through the hiring process quickly and efficiently

Gaps and Challenges

(things that the solution overlooks or under-delivers on)

  • Yello’s offerings around sourcing are primarily for NAM, but are gradually branching into other regions

  • CRM solution is mediocre, but its intended application mirrors this, being advised for use where no CRM currently exists or where it doesn’t make sense to purchase a robust solution


(anything that could affect ROI; cost, complexity, process gaps, etc.)

  • Cost could be considered high by most companies who are only dabbling in the space or want to use Yello for limited-term engagements like hiring projects

Additional Thoughts

(overall impressions, uncertainties, future questions, etc.)

  • Yello covers a lot of territory with its offerings, but only seems to specialize in a few (more with WayUp now owned by them), notably campus hiring events, scheduling, and diversity tracking

  • While they do offer solutions for Professional Hiring, unless it’s irregular or at a smaller scale, Yello isn’t a best-in-class platform


Demo Notes

Attendees (Vendor)
Attendees (WHCG)
Attendees (Vendor)
Attendees (WHCG)


Mitchell Munsell, Dan Bartfield, Morgan Repovz

Tom S

  • Major challenges for Early Careers Hiring (from Yello's perspective)

    • Diversity is the number one reason (diverse demographics but the right talent profiles, too)

    • Huge sourcing challenges

    • More job openings than qualified candidates

      • Largely to do with where companies look and the complexity/rigidity of the talent profiles they're looking for

    • Complicated experience

      • Multiple sourcing choices

      • Connecting different technologies (bridgeing gaps)

      • Disconnected workflows

  • End-to-End platform from virtual events to CRM, interview scheduling, diversity, etc.

    • Best career centres at a university get only 30% of the student population (at best)

    • WayUp helps us to build out our sourcing capabilities to augment our other offerings

      • Working to integrate WayUp's database with Yello's to create a single channeling for sourcing

  • Campus Hiring Events (both Virtual and In-Person)

    • Goal is to be the one-stop-shop for everything needed in the virtual event process

    • Registration process is customizable to track the information you need to capture

      • Minimum of first name, last name, and email

      • Can add or minimize the number of fields as needed

      • Information isn't auto-populated as talent registers, but once the event begins the attendance information collected is populated from the registration form

    • Yello tracks registration, attendance metrics automatically

    • 3,000 attendees for webinars

      • Additional can join but don't have the chat capabilities available to them

      • Best kept as an invite-only event (rather than open to public registration), but can do both, as needed

        • Registration process contains language saying that not every person who registers will be included in the event (they're signing up to be confirmed later)

    • Up to 55 individuals for interactive, individual experience-based event sessions

    • Event setup process (owned primarily by client/end-user)

      • Designed to be easy to set up yourself (user-friendly, self-service)

      • Dedicated customer success managers for help, as well

      • Can copy past events as templates for future ones

    • Mobile Application for streamlining the event itself (Booth managers)

      • Your representatives can use the phone app (online or offline modes) to help manage, track, and keep tabs on CNs and the discussions they're having throughout the day

      • Replaces the resume for Attendees, as well, so they don't have to carry on with them

      • Notes

        • Track CN engagements with notes on registrant profiles

        • Customizable fields (add/remove questions/data points/evaluation metrics, etc.)

    • Export attendee lists and send branded/templated follow-up content after the event

      • Separate mesaging for CNs who were/weren't identified as a fit for the role

      • Survey capability in-platform

    • Fully Virtual Events

      • Very similar in terms of processes and tools available to RCs

      • More video-based than chat-based

        • CNs book a timeslot to chat with the RC, rather than initiating message exchanges

    • Metrics and event analysis

      • Attendees, CN quality (who was marked to move forward, etc.)

      • Full dashboard for data review

        • Integrated with ATS for improved funnel reporting

      • Export via .CSV or other file types


  • Scheduling Tools

    • Cover a flexibile interview scheduling process (phone screens, HM interview, CN self-scheduling, etc.)

    • CN can use a portal that shows availability to select from

      • Integrated with Google or Outlook calendars

      • Or manually set up with preferred availability

    • Panel/multi-interviewer scheduling

      • One-time setup where we sync everyone's calendars within the organization at once (makes panel interviewing much easier)

    • Interviews/screens are set up by default to Yello's video platform

      • Working on integrations with Zoom and Teams for 2022 release (aiming for earlier in the year)

      • Can turn off default Yello video links and manually insert Teams/Zoom links, etc.

