

This solution has been researched solely by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.

Website Allegis Group: Opportunity Starts Here

Vendor Blurb

Source, Qualify, and Hire Talent with HiringSolved. 40% of ATS users have stated that their current systems are missing features and functionality for their success, including quality search and match, data analytics and reporting, and more.

HiringSolved was created to solve for those gaps and optimize your existing databases.


Strengths and Advantages

(where the solution stands out or shows impact potential)

  • Fair and simple pricing structure (with high-number of user licenses per subscription) that deploys according to scale of data being processed (flexible for medium-large-sized companies)

  • Data normalization and reprocessing is part of the implementation service, to ensure that all data is as usable as possible by go-live

  • Advise on data hygiene and best practices

  • Simplified and largely vendor-owned implementation process

  • Separate solution designs for staffing/contingent hiring and corporate recruiting (where staffing, for example will need to focus on contract end-dates and talent redeployment)

Gaps and Challenges

(things that the solution overlooks or under-delivers on)

  • Operates as its own platform, so even though is can consolidate access to data across multiple systems, it’s still adding another interface for users to log into (which may deter some)


(anything that could affect ROI; cost, complexity, process gaps, etc.)

  • Clients with very poor historical data may get little ROI at first, as it will take time to build the data sets required to get use out of candidate rediscovery capabilities

Additional Considerations

(potential use cases, impact, deployment scale, company size, etc.)

  • Relatively simple and effective way to boost the data capabilities of a company that doesn't store or use its candidate records very well

  • Solid solution for parsing and matching without the extensive functionality of more expensive solutions like HiredScore or the complexity of more DIY-aimed technologies like TextKernal or RChilli (where companies will need to be savvy enough to know how to use it)

  • Systems integration is essential, so clients must own and implement this technology themselves


Overview of Solutions and Features

Solution Focuses
What it solves/achieves
How it works/notable features
Solution Focuses
What it solves/achieves
How it works/notable features

Data Report Card and Normalization

Standard consultation at the start of each new implementation, where HiringSolved evaluate the company’s data sets and practices to advise on improving the ways that they collect and leverage their candidate data

  • Normalization of data also involves reprocessing historic data (CVs run through their parsing engine) to set it up for optimal use down the road

  • Applications are all parsed through HiringSolved and data fields are kept consistent and free of duplication

    • Can also parse uploaded LinkedIn or Indeed profiles

    • Parse in 41+ languages (including Canadian French)

Search and Matching

Access the candidate records within your database(s) as easily as you would search for new talent on LinkedIn or another sourcing platform

  • Automated lead generation for new roles

  • Advanced filters using parsed candidate data to search through their systems:

    • Skill tags, phrases, languages, industries, location (particularly strong feature)

    • Diversity-boost filters (gender, ethnicity, veteran status)

  • Recruiter notes are stored on the candidate record to indicate when (and who) last contact was made with a candidate and the reasoning behind why they did/didn’t proceed in the hiring process

Contingent/Temp Hiring Features

Features designed specifically for staffing and temp hiring teams to find talent and prioritize Reqs to maximize profitability

  • Identify contracts coming due soon (and the talent currently holding those contracts)

  • Flag revenue at risk according to Req prioritization and time spent filling which roles

  • Search talent in your systems

    • Show which roles you have that might align with their profiles (to more easily lined up their next opportunity)

  • Reminder recruiters to check in with talent whose contracts are coming due (to see where they stand on next opportunities)

Supported Regions (NAM, EMEA, APAC, LATAM)
  • Global

Average Time-to-Implement
  • 3-4 weeks (depending on complexity)

Language Capabilities
  • 41+ (including Canadian French)

Ideal Scope and Scale (Specialized, High-Volume, etc.)
  • Repeat roles where existing candidate records are higher-volume is ideal, but matching can be used for any type of role if needed

Required/Optimal Integrations
  • ATS (minimum), but can also leverage any database like CRM or HRIS

Reporting and Analytics Features (In-Platform and/or Exportable Data)
  • Some capabilities in-platform (particularly for staffing solutions)

Integrations Currently Supported


Resources and Collateral

YouTube Channel/Product Video: HiringSolved


Additional Links


Overview Video for Staffing Use Cases


Talent Redployment Feature - Video Walkthrough

Screenshots, Images, and Attachments (paste/upload into boxes below)





  • Based on volumes of candidate records to process annually (best-guess) with up to 100 user seats available at any time (additional cost may be needed for more)

  • Link

Typical Duration of Agreement
  • 12-months with discounts for longer terms

Pilot/Trial Opportunities
  • None, technology is too complex to implement for a pilot