Talenya AI
This solution has been researched solely by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.
Vendor Blurb
Convert 3X more “passive” candidates to applicants, with an AI-powered automated talent sourcing platform. Talenya’s Talent AI™ taps into a database of 1.3 billion profiles, finds the most qualified and diverse candidates for your roles, and turns them into applicants, effortlessly. |
Resources and Collateral
URL | Description |
Screenshots, Images, and Attachments (paste/upload into boxes below)
Overview of Solutions and Features
Supported Regions |
Language Capabilities |
Required/Optimal Integrations |
Average Time-to-Implement |
Solution Focuses | What it solves/achieves | How it works/notable features |
Automated Sourcing | Reduces time spent manually sourcing candidates |
Diversity-Balanced Shortlists | Generate candidate lists with balanced demographic representation using talent search AI |
Automated Outreach and Drip Campaigns | Automatically messages and follows-up with candidates to allow recruiters to jump in once a candidate states that they’re interested |
Development Roadmap
Item | Description | Anticipated Launch |
LinkedIn Messaging |
| Early 2022 |
Varies by seat count
Typical Duration of Agreement
Pilot/Trial Opportunities
Pilots for proof of concept require you to know what package type you're interested in long-term (Basic, Pro, etc.)
4-6 weeks
Flat fee of $1500 for 2-5 recruiters during that time period
These trials roll into annual agreement from there
Strengths and Opportunities
(potential benefits and/or use cases for the solution)
Talenya’s approach to generating demographically diverse candidate lists is interesting and it tackles a real challenge in the Boolean-based sourcing world when it comes to identifying underrepresented talent
Gaps and Challenges
(things that the solution overlooks or under-delivers on)
* See Talenya Pilot summary with Carrier team for more info
AI sourcing is highly innacurate and Talenya is designed to automatically conduct more of the sourcing and engagement process than makes sense for its limited accuracy
Messaging features can be useful, but Talenya also messages CNs that it feels are a match, whether you ask it to or not, which can create problems down the line
General sourcing inaccuracy also means that the diversity tools that the platform is built around are less impactful than hoped
(anything that could affect ROI; cost, complexity, process gaps, etc.)
Talenya can’t reasonable stand as a Recruiter or Sourcer’s only tool, but is priced similarly to Hiretual or LIR
Non-integrated, the manual administration required to set up roles and create CN profiles in Avature/ATS is unrealistically time-consuming
Additional Thoughts
(overall impressions, uncertainties, future questions, etc.)
Talenya’s ambitions are solid, but the execution is nowhere near the level required to be effective
AI sourcing suffers from inaccuracy and automation scale issues in general, but Talenya is a particularly unreliable case, for now
Demo Notes
Date | Attendees (Vendor) | Attendees (WHCG) |
05/26/2021 | Nicole Herr | Tom S |
Notes | Questions/Answers |