This solution has been researched solely by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.
Vendor Blurb
PandoLogic creates a recruiting campaign strategy based on your wants, needs, and budget. Our software automatically analyzes key job variables using a job taxonomy and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to derive our predictive-performance benchmark. If it sounds complicated that’s because, well, it is. But don’t worry: we crunch all the numbers and data so you don’t have to. It’s this same unique benchmark that we use to create your ideal recruiting campaign. That way we can target the most qualified job seekers on the right sites—at a price within your campaign budget.
Strengths and Advantages
(where the solution stands out or shows impact potential)
PandoLogic’s platform is intuitive to use and provides decent reporting and analytics for campaign performance
One of the more cost-effective solutions from a fee perspective (takes % of budget spend)
Gaps and Challenges
(things that the solution overlooks or under-delivers on)
Expansion can be erradic and hard to control at times (manually removing location expansions if it went beyond expected scope)
Tracking pixels are notoriously tricky to implement and operate effectively (although vendors always claim they’re quick to set up and reliable)
(anything that could affect ROI; cost, complexity, process gaps, etc.)
Without proper setup (tracking pixels in place and working, as well as XML feed), setting up new jobs and tracking performance of campaigns can be challenging and significantly impact performance it comes to data feeding back into the AI running the platform and making purchasing decisions
Vendor is sometimes less responsive than needed and during our pilot with the WHCG IR team in 2021, multiple instances of vendor error lead to job expansions that were time-consuming to correct and lead to several applicant who couldn’t be considered for the role
** does not work well with WHCG’s setup of Avature, where custom source fields don’t align with PandoLogic’s needs when it comes to source attribution and tracking (although Michelle is working on a solution for this)
Additional Considerations
(potential use cases, impact, deployment scale, company size, etc.)
Not a bad platform, compared to other programmatic vendors on the market, but doesn’t stand out significantly from competitor solutions like Appcast, which offer similarly cost-effective solutions
Overview of Solutions and Features
Solution Focuses | What it solves/achieves | How it works/notable features |
PandoIQ | PandoIQ is PandoLogic’s primary ad purchasing and management solution that uses AI to optimize ad performance and budget goals |
PandoExchange | PandoExchange is PandoLogic’s solution for recruitment agencies, job aggregators, and job boards to optimize their job ad distribution |
Supported Regions (NAM, EMEA, APAC, LATAM) |
| Average Time-to-Implement |
Language Capabilities |
| Ideal Scope and Scale (Specialized, High-Volume, etc.) |
Required/Optimal Integrations |
| Reporting and Analytics Features (In-Platform and/or Exportable Data) |
Integrations Currently Supported |
Resources and Collateral
YouTube Channel/Product Video: PandoLogic a Veritone Company
Additional Links
URL | Description |
Screenshots, Images, and Attachments (paste/upload into boxes below)
PandoLogic Overview
PandoLogic takes % of media spend as platform fee
Typical Duration of Agreement
12-24 months
Pilot/Trial Opportunities
On request for new client opportunities