Avature Cheat Sheet 

Conversions and descriptions of fields from iCIMS to Avature Job Field Name Conversions 




Ref # 

Job ID 

Unique identifying number on the job record; automatically assigned, can’t be modified 

*For jobs migrated over from iCIMS, the iCIMS Job ID is stored in Avature’s Ref# field. 

Job ID 


Avature’s unique identifier for a job record; is part of the URL when viewing the job 

Job Workflow Step 

Job Folder 

Status of the job requisition; examples: Pending Approval, Approved, Closed (Filled) 



Name without hyperlink 

Job Title 

Refers to requisitions and/or pipelines 


Talent Pool 

Pipeline is a type of job record that can be used for creating a talent pool and keeping candidates warm before moving them to an active requisition 


Job Opened Date 

Located at the top right of the job record 

Client Req Code 

Job Code 

Client’s ATS req number 

Employment Type 


Examples: Regular Full Time, Regular Part Time, Contingent 

Client Cost Center 

Cost Center 


Business Unit (WHCG) 

Business Unit 

Used by IR and RPO teams 

Business Unit (CTS) 

Business Unit 

Used by CTS teams 




Internal Department 

Internal Department 



Job Open Date 

Date the job opened with the client 

Hiring Manager 

Hiring Manager 


Last Update 

Updated Date 

The date that reflects the last time the job was updated by any individual.  

Account Director 

Account Manager 

Updated field name to reflect WHCG job title; primarily used by IR 




Location # 

Location # 






Combined three separate job description fields into one Description field 

Remaining Openings 

# of Openings Remaining 

The number of openings that have not been filled on the requisition.  

Reason for Opening 

Job Reason 

Avature options: New Position, Replacement 

iCIMS options: New Job, Replacement Job 

Compensation Details 

Compensation Info 

Free-text field to include any relevant compensation info; ranges, bonus, commission, etc. 

People Workflow 


The set of steps that a candidate will go through when attached to this job.This is filled out automatically when using a template to create a job. 


For CTS CAN reqs: CTS CAN Workflow 

For CTS US Reqs: CTS US Workflow 

For IR Reqs: Internal Recruiting 

For RPO Reqs: RPO Workflow 

Job Workflow 


The set of steps that a job will go through (Pending Approval, Approved, Closed (Filled), etc.). This is filled out automatically when using a template to create a job. The workflow to select for a requisition is “Job Workflow”. The workflow to select for a pipeline is “Sourcing Workflow”. *This can’t be changed once the job is created. 

Form When Applying 


Attaches a form to the general job application, prompting applicants to provide their earliest available start date and their desired compensation. This is filled out automatically when using a template to create a job. This only applies to jobs that will be posted (IR and CTS) and the form to use is “Application Form”. 



Person Field Name Conversions 





Person ID 

System ID 

Unique identifying number on the person record; automatically assigned, can’t be modified; located in the web address when viewing the record (example: https://wilsonhcg.avature.net/#Person/6), or pulled into reports as a column called “Person ID” 

Full Name 

Recruiting Workflow Profile 

Candidate’s first and last name as it appears on the person profile 

Position Title 

Current Title 

Appears at the top of each person record; can be searched for or reported on 


Current Employer 

Appears at the top of each person record; can be searched for or reported on; company will also link to existing Company record to view company info, and other people with that Company tied to their record 


Social Account URL 

Appears at the top right of each person record; can add multiple website/profile links as needed 



Can add multiple education experiences including dates, university, degree type; will parse automatically if the resume was used to create the person record 

Work History 


Can add multiple work experiences including dates, employer name, employer location,  job title; will parse automatically if the resume was used to create the person record 



Workflow Definitions 







Exampes: Sourcer Screen Pending, Recruiter Submitted, 1st Interview, Offer Extended, Hired 



Groups of similar statuses, examples: Recruiter (recruiter screen pending, recruiter screen completed, recruiter submitted); Interview (1st Interview, 2nd Interview, etc.) 


Left Voicemail, Sent Email #1, Sent LIR InMail, Sent Social Media Message 

Candidates in outreach will stay in the Outreach step until they are moved to dispositioned at outreach or move forward into a screen step.  


Individual outreach attempts are recorded in the Outreach Form. This form is how daily/weekly outreach is tracked, so make sure to keep the Outreach Form up to date with each outreach attempt.