Before You Apply

Before You Apply



Before You Apply takes an inbound approach to recruitment marketing where companies who are hiring can showcase their EVP and give insights on workplace culture in a way that’s both engaging and informative.

Company profiles can feature all the typical trappings of an Employer Brand-focused platform, like links to SM pages, blogs, and current opportunities, but the centerpieces of any company page on Before You Apply are the video interviews. Filmed and produced by the BYA team, these videos feature actual employees answering questions about what it’s like to work at their company.

The goal of BYA’s platform is simple: “It's a singularly powerful link to compel job seekers (you) to apply to join our team—or decide we're meh and not apply, saving both of us time”


Example Q&A Videos: Brazen’s BYA page for Engineering roles

  • How well do you pay compared to industry standards?

  • For the team to be more effective, what needs to be improved?

  • What are hours like and is remote work permitted?

  • How much do candidates need to know about your industry?

  • What’s your most important non-financial metric?





  • Content like this isn’t entirely novel, but for most companies (especially larger ones) it can be a challenge to produce and present it effectively

  • Brazen partners with BYA to conduct Employer Branding research on how to leverage your team members during virtual events (determining what the drivers are for Candidate comfort)

  • Could be used as a mono-channel within your Recruitment Marketing strategy, but the savvier approach would be to use a solid company profile on BYA as an information hub that Candidates are directed to via your other channels

    • SM-friendly for organic/”shareable” posts

  • Not suitable for high-volume recruitment or roles with broad Candidate Personas

    • In fishing terms, it’s less like a net and more like a lure for warier talent


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