Career Builder- Virtual Events

Career Builder- Virtual Events

This tool has been solely researched by WilsonHCG Innovation Team.


  1. Pricing- prices range between 5-10k sterling but the package can be tailored to demand, so it would be a future discussion should we wish to consider.

  2. Types of audience- This can be used for all areas of the business from BAU to EIC, various locations and industry types.

  3. How to attract candidates to the virtual event- The url can be sent to candidates via newsletter, via recruiters on in mails, via other channels e.g. job posting on jobs.cz can have url to send candidates to event, url can be posted on multiple social media channels etc.

  4. Landing page for virtual event- Completely AB branded not career builder branded and AB can fully customize how they want it to look.

  5. Content creation- The content would be supplied by AB, Career builder provide the software.

  6. Tech side of creating landing page and virtual event- Career builder would do and we would have our own KAM, Alex to project manage this, so AB wouldn’t need to do the physical technical stuff, although they would consult with Career builder throughout on what they want to be built.

  7. Virtual office landing page- They can create a 3D walk through of one of our offices as introduction both internal/ external exterior. We can also add corporate videos and also have an AB tour guide to walk them through the virtual office and show various icons to click on.  *this is a one off cost that we can use again, although if we are just doing say a one day open day, this would be a waste of money.

  8. Multi area- on the landing page there can be several icons that lead candidates through to the relevant pages e.g. BAU, EIC, Language specific/relo jobs. The webinars can be pre-recorded by say HM.

  9. Candidate registration: When they click attend/ apply to attend, they will have some questions to complete so that the system will guide them through to the best webinars. Questions could include for example location, are they a grad, are they willing to relocate, what languages do they speak etc. They can also upload their CV and credentials. It will then mark a % next to the candidate on how closely they match which webinar to attend/ which jobs they are aligned with and will auto lead them through to job positions/ relevant webinars.

  10. How to deter politely candidates who apply for roles that they are completely not aligned to: It’s transparent, candidates can clearly see if they are aligned, so it makes that rejection a little easier for them! You can also reject candidates on this event who are not aligned.

  11. How this can help identify candidates who may have been overlooked before: If a candidates CV is not great, but they are actually quite good and would normally be overlooked, this allow recruiters to have a brief ‘real time’ chat via the messenger app to establish whether they are worth being considered in the future based on perhaps their passion & motivations, but just their credentials.

  12. Real time messenger- Recruiters can speak to candidates in ‘real time’ via the messenger app, there can be multiple messages open in Cognito. The candidates will already have a % against them allowing Recruiters to priorities who they speak as a matter of urgency. It will also show recruiters when candidates are live, so they can jump straight into a conversation with them! These chats can be switched on/off.

  13. Access to candidates prior to event- we can have access to the list and credentials prior to the event, obviously we want them to attend so I wouldn’t necessary reach out to them prior as such, however we can benchmark the top candidates to focus on as a priority.

  14. Blocking people from attending- if applicable this can be done

  15. Jobs matching- after the initial questionnaire candidates complete and uploading their CV, it will show a long list of prospective roles rated by % best job match at the top. For apply w can then redirect them through to the careers page or other. Can be location specific/ entry level specific etc.

  16. Allocating resourcing and ensuring capacity- because we can see how many attendees will be attending prior to the event, this will make it easier to allocate team members.

  17. We can also have icons to download documents- eg. DNI, content created for specific channels, overviews of HM etc.

  18. Additional video icons- we can add multiple videos for candidates to review and the system will prompt them on what to watch aligned to questionnaire.

  19. Webinars- in theory like multiple conference rooms, pre-recorded/ ‘real time’ with ability for candidates to ask questions relating to the topics. These chats can be switched on/off.

  20. Goodies option- so like in a real life event people can take freebees or join competitions the same can be done here virtually- for example free beer if you complete the DNI questionnaire or something.

  21. Adding additional links to other pages- this can be done too e.g. AB ethos or values.

  22. Unique user experience- this is a totally unique experience for candidates and tailored to their own individual aspirations/ credentials- something that is hard to do in a real in person event.

  23. Reporting- all urls that are clicked on in different platforms are tracked, the nom of attendees/ cvs submitted/ chats etc. are also all tracker. It also tracks recruiters engagement with candidates so we can see who the most engaging recruiters in the team are. 

  24. Date ownership- the data is available for 2 months, but can be deleted earlier if needed. We own this data. Career builder do not use this data for anything at all.

  25. Length of open days/ landing page- this can differ dependent on our own needs, obviously a smaller pilot would be beneficial in the first instance, however some companies do 2 days open days and that is is, other’s do 12 open day events throughout the year and the landing page and all the conference rooms/ pre-recorded webinars are available 365 years of the day, the only difference is the ‘live chats’ are not available 365 days. *price various dependent on need

  26. Further benefits- whilst with an ordinary careers fair it is somewhat location specific, being virtual people can attend from all over the world, those who had perhaps never thought of relocating to a specific country, may reconsider once they see what can be offered. Likewise costings, staffing and preparation for venues etc can be super expensive and sometimes can have a poor turnout.