

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Meet & Engage launched in 2015 when co-founders Ali Hackett and Graham Shroll combined their respective expertise in employer branding and recruitment technology to come up with a compelling idea that they believed could fill a fast-growing gap in the recruitment market.

Increasingly, HR and HE clients were asking for creative ideas on sharing content, communicating their offer, keeping candidates warm and on converting interest into applications. Engagement, not attraction was rapidly becoming their biggest challenge.


With our experience in candidate experience and employer brand, we knew that to make our platform a serious alternative to any existing technology we’d need give organisations the opportunity to create a branded experience; something that could easily be customised for each audience.

We also wanted to offer ways to measure candidate experience – so we incorporated the capability to run in-chat polls and to track Net Promoter Scores. And, given our understanding of the candidate/employee lifecycle, it was also imperative to enable post-session data to be presented in a way that could be shared and re-purposed – as social content, for instance.


We’ve worked hard to bring our ideas to fruition and we’ve been delighted by the response. Today, we work with clients in every continent who use the technology to engage with audiences on their terms.

We’re focused on innovation and keen to add to our product offering but it’s often our clients who push the boundaries of how our technology is used. Vodafone and the Met Police were the first to run chats to encourage female applicants. Deutsche Bank pioneered online skills sessions for candidates. Capco promoted real-time sessions hosted by their Chief Executive. Arup run live chat events with colleagues from the Social Mobility Foundation.

Our team has grown and we’ve made some exciting appointments from the world of talent acquisition, social and marketing to our Advisory Board. If there’s one thing we all share it’s a positive, personal approach to our work. We don’t see ourselves as a tech business – our focus is on service, on people and on making connections. We enjoy helping our clients to get the best out of our technology and listening to their ideas on how we can develop. Together, we’re optimistic about the future.


Our complementary suite of candidate experience technology gives employers and candidates the best of both worlds – personalisation and automation - delivered by an award-winning team of experts.

Run themed chat events for candidates, wherever they are: peer- or recruiter-led, group or 121 chat. Personalise with our suite of tools including polls, video and live streaming.

Invite colleagues from the business to chat live about their career journey and work life. What’s more powerful than a peer conversation, employee to candidate?

Re-purpose content as video snippets, blog material and more – every live chat session can generate valuable employer brand assets.

Inject a Candidate Experience Bot  into your recruitment process – as FAQ support for in-process candidates, to support screening or to keep candidates warm. Fully customisable and as engaging as an instant messaging conversation.

Get feedback from candidates in real-time – shape, refine and personalise your process using different candidate experience measures, including Net Promoter Score (NPS).

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