

Image result for AcuityScheduling

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Never ask “what time works for you?” again.
Clients can quickly view your real-time availability and self-book their own appointments—and even pay online, reschedule with a click, and eliminate 100% of the drudgery. (Official term.)

You’re here to make yourself money. Not make yourself crazy.
Clients can see your real-time calendar availability, self-select the time that works best for them, and easily book (and pay for!) their own appointments in advance, sparing you 89%* of current headaches, mix-ups & grunts of frustration.

Nix embarrassing scheduling mix-ups.
Calendars auto adjust for time zones, clients can easily cancel & reschedule themselves, and you’ll never be left scratching your head trying to remember if it was for 2 o’clock or 4 o’clock. (Or maybe even 6?)

Be in full control of your availability, 24/7—literally.
Manage multiple locations or employees, only show your clients the calendar you want them to see, and block out any dates you’ll be taking off for all the biggies: Earth Day, Flag Day, Donut Day. The usual.

Collect everything you need to know about a client as soon as they book.
Prompt new clients with intake forms for different types of services, have all of their information neat & tidy in one place, and log-in anytime you need to remember what allergies Johnny has, or what Janey’s kids are named again?

Gain an instant professional edge and compete with the big guys. No matter how small your business.
Automatically send branded & customized confirmations, reminders & follow-ups—via email or text message—and even accept payment and tips via Stripe, Square, PayPal, Braintree & Authorize.net with the click of a button. After all, you’re sophisticated like that nowadays.

Ironclad calendar coordination. Never let another client fall through the cracks, miss a beat, or lose a booking.
Get notified anytime a new appointment is booked, check your schedule right from your phone, and even tell Acuity to automatically update the calendars you already use, like Google, Outlook, iCal or Office 365. (Note: Does not sync to kitchen wall calendar from 1998.)

Acuity Scheduling isn’t just a scheduling tool—it’s a full-blown, beautiful, incredibly user-friendly system for running your business end-to-end

Easily share
your calendar via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or email

Customize everything
to match the existing look & feel of your business

Feel confident
knowing client information is 100% private, in accordance with HIPAA

Embed your calendar
right on your website for a seamless booking experience

Sell gift certificates & subscriptions
set up packages, memberships, and even give group classes

See a snapshot of your revenue
paid & unpaid appointments, and a list of any no-shows

Technology Demo Notes

Calendly is very simple, easy to use.

AcuityScheduling - Much more complex than Calendy but offers screening qualifies and ability to upload documents like resumes. (https://acuityscheduling.com )

Both offer flexibility and screen questions

Both take control of your time with Block out times/dates

Both integrate with Google


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