Amazing Hiring

Amazing Hiring

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


The Ultimate Search Engine for Technical Talent

The best developers don't polish resumes. They contribute to Github, post at StackOverflow, compete at Kaggle. They blog, code and impact communities across hundreds of sites.

We gather millions of profiles, online activities and work histories. We crank through terabytes of web pages to discover key contributors, their public contacts, and evaluate their skills and community influence. We deliver precise and exhaustive search that surfaces 30% more qualified talent than any competitive solution.

Unsurpassed talent volume

Online profiles often omit critical skills. Commodity talent search may miss half of qualified prospects as a result. But if a candidate commits to a github — his skills are apparent without a resume. By merging online activity from 50+ Internet sources with profiles found on professional networks we achieve radical increase in candidates volume.

Consolidated profile

AmazingHiring recognizes disparate Internet identities leading to the same person and unites them into a “consolidated profile” containing skills, experience, and publicly accessible contacts.

Technical pre-screening

Analysis of professional activity on the web reveals candidate's tangible (rather than declared) skills — critical distinction for selecting top few prospects among thousands found. Our proprietary learning algorithms verify candidate expertise and surface top performers able to pass follow-up screening.

Searching passive candidates

AmazingHiring finds candidates who do not post resumes on job-boards or maintain profiles on LinkedIn and are never solicited by recruiters.

Research candidates with  Chrome extension

This versatile utility enables recruiters to easily browse through prospect's key accounts across social and professional networks and qualify one's skills and fit

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