

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Masterbranch is a community for developers to network with peers and grow their skillset. Masterbranch is also for employers who are looking for great developers. This is a place where developers can create their coding profile, which is automatically updated through their open source activity, and where employers can find candidates for available positions by looking at the skills of each developer.

Why Masterbranch?

We are engineers that love the world we work in, and we understand that having a developer that fits their employment needs is sometimes difficult by just looking at a paper resume.

We also think about how we want to have our own profile that shows our real experience and that expresses the real value of our work. Many times Human Resources Departments ignore these points because they can't process the value of the work. Our goal is to provide great profiles to great developers, and provide these great developers the ability to interact with employers.

Where does all of Masterbranch's information come from? and why?

We started to monitor all the Open Source projects from Google Code, SourceForge, Github, Apache, Codeplex, BerliOS, Java.net, Wordpress and many others. Real experience is so valuable, and we think that open source is even more, it shows the capabilities of doing a good job, working with others and having a sharp mind.

The aim is to create a profile that the developer can be proud of, and the starting point is giving those developers that have worked or are working in Open Source a cool resume.

The real experience is so valuable, and we think open source is even more, it shows capabilities of doing a good job, working in a team and their have an eager mind.Our aim is to create a profile which the developer can be proud of, and the best starting point is for those who worked or are working in Open Source giving them a cool coding profile. Open Source experience is not the only addons Masterbrnch's profile will have, but we do not like Vaporware so we do not announce any feature till is close to see the light

How it works

Step 1

  • Claim your Github account and know your benchmark in the market (or ask your peers for confirmation on your programming skills)

Step 2

  • State your salary and job preferences

Step 3

  • Get only job offers that match your needs and get hired

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