Learning Technologies Group

Learning Technologies Group

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Learning Technologies Group plc was created in 2013 by a highly experienced team of successful corporate leaders and learning technologies professionals to provide a comprehensive and integrated range of e-learning services and technologies to corporate and government clients. LTG is making good progress towards its goal of establishing a substantial global organisation of specialist digital learning businesses from Europe, US, Latin America and Asia to form a market-leading learning technologies agency.

Learning Technologies Group plc is the holding company of a group of high quality companies that provide a comprehensive and integrated range of services and technologies to corporate clients in the field of learning technologies. It is our aim to consolidate the learning technologies sector in the coming years and become the foremost full-service learning technology agency in the world. Our international offices are expanding quickly, and our UK operation is one of the most trusted and successful in the industry.

LTG’s businesses are at the forefront of innovation and best-practice in the learning technology sector, and have received numerous awards for their exceptional performance. Our portfolio of brands represents the best of breed and they are acknowledged throughout the industry as market leaders.

Our Portfolio

LTG's portfolio includes LEO, a pioneering learning technologies firm, the multi-device authoring tool gomo learning, games with purpose company Preloaded and Eukleia, an e-learning provider to the financial services sector. During the coming months, it will expand as strategic, complementary acquisitions are executed.

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