

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


OutMatch Talent Analytics Platform

Data to support your decisions at every phase of the employee lifecycle

  • Talent Assessment
  • Interview
  • Reference Checking
  • Onboarding
  • Development
  • Analytics


Enjoy hiring and development solutions that are easy and intuitive for everyone, including your recruiters, your managers, and your candidates.

Backed by Science

Trust in technology with a strong science heritage, that’s proven to target the exact characteristics that make employees successful.

Big results

Enter a new era of data-rich hiring and development, for a high-performance workforce that will drive incredible business growth.


Get the right match every time


Drive meaningful interviews across your organization


Simplify your reference checking process


Boost new hire performance and engagement


Fuel your employees’ long-term success


Optimize business performance

With all the HR technology on the market today, companies still struggle with unengaged employees, job hoppers, and high potentials who aren’t in the right position to succeed.

That’s what we’re here to fix. Using the OutMatch Platform, you’ll finally have the talent selection data you need to make better hires and set them up for long-term success in your company.

ATS Integration

Create a seamless experience for candidates and a simplified hiring process for your team with OutMatch Integrations.

Technology Plus Talent Experts

Our team of Ph.Ds., Masters of I/O Psychology, and HR research specialists are here to help build your industry-leading talent strategy.

Leadership Solutions

Select and develop the very best leaders using virtual simulation, 360 feedback, and in-person talent experts.

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