

This tool has been solely researched by Wilson HCG Innovation Team


OrgAnalytix measures inclusion by using data insights to generate reports and analysis to suggest a suited path for your organization’s diversity and inclusion strategy.

Go Beyond the Diversity Stats & Metrics

Diversity & Inclusion Programs are traditionally measured through population metrics such as hiring, attrition, promotion, and composition.  However, truly diverse and inclusive organizations are more than just how many non-white male employees exist. They have employees from diverse background actually interacting with each other on a regular and on-going basis.

Network Science allows managers and leaders to measure and see visual representations of such interactions, and understand how INCLUSION actually plays out in their teams.

New Perspective on Your Team Behavior

Identify unintended silos and unconscious bias and behavioral patterns that dampen inclusion, despite diverse populations.

These patterns are most visible when measuring the cognitive factors that underpin inclusive behaviors, i.e. Social bonds, Communication pathways, Source of Inspirations, and Engagement/Curiosity. 

Our simple process gathers data directly from employees and converts the data into easy to read analysis to help leaders take a proactive role in establishing collaborative norms and inclusive culture within their teams.

Multi-layered Analysis to Gain Powerful Insight

Our Diversity & Inclusion Index shows managers

  • How and where employees turn to for such interactions

  • Who garners the most influence and sway amongst their peers,

  • Which employees are isolated or in the periphery of these networks, and

  • Who has self-segregated themselves from the rest of the team creating a cultural rift within the organization?

We analyze each type of interaction separately, and in combination with other types of interactions, to provide a full multi-dimensional view of the team’s culture & behavior.

Convert Data into Actions

Our focus on interactions not only allows us to see where there are gaps, disparities, and weaknesses but also highlights the strengths, areas of opportunities, and “low-hanging-fruit” that leaders can easily leverage to create high-impact long-term solutions.

All assessments come Recommendations and Next Steps to correct any issues, as well as an Impact vs. Risk Assessment for all actions.  Additionally, We actively partner with Human Capital and Org Design/Strategy experts, as appropriate, to help leaders implement (or track) any large-scale diversity & inclusion programs.