

This tool has been solely researched by Wilson HCG Innovation Team


Talview is the fastest way to hire for enterprise employers across the globe. Our Insta Hiring Platform empowers organizations by enabling “anytime, anywhere” remote processes, automating routine tasks, and reusing data across the hiring process. Our AI-enabled video interviewing and cognitive remote proctoring features as well as our advanced assessment solutions leverage best-in-class NLP, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Video Analytics capabilities. Talview caters to the “mobile-first” user who expects a seamless digital communication experience with exceptional speed and convenience. We integrate seamlessly into most ATSs and LMSs to help reviewers and administrators automate repetitive tasks so they can focus on selecting the best candidates.


  • Video Interviewing: Make your first round of screening 80% faster with on-demand video interviews, gauge soft skills, body language, and culture fit early in the process, and reduce time and resources spent on interviewing by up to 70%. 

  • Live Interviewing: Attend Talview Live interviews from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop, with a tap of your finger. Conduct high-quality live video interviews even at low internet bandwidth speeds from any device across the globe. 

  • Behavioral Insights: Hire the best fit for your enterprise by understanding your candidate's behavior with TBI. Get accurate, reduced-biased and automated candidate reports, for an in-depth and fake-resistant view of every candidate.

  • Assessment Platform: Talview’s assessment platform is built for speed and supports formats such as multiple choice, essay, skills, typing, and aptitude tests that look great across devices and are secured through powerful online proctoring.

  • Coding Platform: Easily test proficiency in various kinds of modern programming languages and business applications through our securely proctored online coding tests.

  • Remote Proctoring: Ensure the authenticity of your candidate’s knowledge and identity through Talview's advanced online proctoring solution with a 100% seamless and unobtrusive software experience. 

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