

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Our goal is a hyper-personalized future where everyone owns and makes use of their own personality data and gets treated as the individual they are and not like "the average". The Behavioral Résumé, like a professional résumé, is a living document that will grow and change with each person over time. Each individual owns their own data and can control who has access to it. jobFig uses the Five Factor Model of personality which includes Openness to New Experiences, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (Emotional Stability). This model is considered the gold standard of personality inventories, and breaks these traits down even further into their 30 base traits.

Product Summary

jobFig utilizes the Five Factor Model of Personality to build a representation of how you display yourself to the world. This model shows your level of demonstration of five core personality traits shared by all people. It is widely accepted as a leading method of psychometric assessments. Each of the 5 personality traits have 6 subtraits.


The measure of a person's creativity, breaking from the crowd and searching for new ideas and inputs into their life.


The measure of a person's discipline, organization, and achievement towards outside expectations with a preference for controlling one's impulses and acting according to a plan.

The measure of a person's need for external stimulation to be happy, engage with other people and demonstrate joy and optimism.

The measure of a person's tendency to show compassion and trust of others, with a generally favorable view of their intentions.

Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)
The measure of a person's tendency to feel overwhelmed, upset, and saddened by external events. These events are also seen to be happening "to" the person rather than outside of the person.

Quickly Research Quality Results
jobFig delivers the same personality assessment used by the majority of academic researchers, on any web-enabled device in 5 to 7 minutes. No need for a PhD in psychology to understand the results though; the jobFig Behavioral Résumé™ is clearly laid out and uses plain language for easy comprehension.

User-Owned Data
Individuals own their own data. As they share their Behavioral Résumés, companies will be able to ditch their one-size-fits-all policies for more personalized recruiting, on-boarding and development plans. The data remains fresh for over a year so there is no need to have employees retake the assessment in that time to get multiple insights.

Continuous Data Access with APIs
For deeper analysis, we offer access to the data via APIs to build correlations to other in-house datasets such as performance, conflicts, team makeup or office layout. With our continually improving subscription plan, the amount of aggregate data and available insights will increase with each new Behavioral Résumé created.

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