

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Recruitment Agency Management Platform

TheJobPost platform helps employers manage their agency suppliers more effectively, improving efficiency, reducing time and saving costs for Procurement, Finance, Legal and Resourcing teams

TheJobPost is a self-serve recruitment agency management platform that:
Finds the best agencies for your roles when you need them

Quickly onboards agencies not already under your terms

Automates the management of your Preferred Supplier List

Generates a single set of agency terms and conditions for all suppliers

Manages agency payments and rebates on your behalf

Provides a portal for all inbound and outbound agency communications (including cold calls!)

Gives you valuable, relevant and accurate agency performance data

How it Works

Using TheJobPost’s unrivalled database of agencies, and unique matching algorithm, quickly and easily find the agency that’s right for you

Whether identified using AgencyFind, by the recruitment team, or a hiring manager, quickly and rigorously onboard an agency with your terms, fees and other supplier instructions

AgencyComms / AgencyPerform
A single platform to manage and track all your communications to and from agencies and be able to rate and report on agency performance. Report on agency performance based on recruitment performance data and ongoing ratings

Issue roles to the best agencies, track progress, and register successful hires

A single payment platform for processing all agency invoices, and initiating rebates

Easily setup and then continuously manage your preferred supplier list

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