

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Textkernel, specialist in machine intelligence for matching supply and demand on the job market

Textkernel is the international leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and Semantic Technology for matching people and jobs.

Textkernel enables thousands of recruitment & staffing agencies, employers, job boards, HR software vendors and outplacement & redeployment agencies worldwide to work smarter and more effectively by creating efficiencies in the HR and recruitment process.

Its products

With Extract!, its advanced resume parser, Textkernel radically changes the candidate experience by offering a one-click mobile application process and automatically parsing relevant information from resumes, and social media profiles. With Jobfeed, Textkernel aggregates information from millions of jobs found on the web. Combined with Search! and Match!, its products in the field of semantic searching and matching, Textkernel gives its customers the right intelligent tools for connecting supply to demand in the job market.

Textkernel’s products can be integrated into any ATS, CRM of HR Software system.

Company information

The company was founded in 2001 as a private, commercial R&D spin-off. Its focus: research in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning at the Universities of Tilburg, Antwerp and Amsterdam. The Textkernel team comprises over 120 employees, mostly experts in the field of language technology and software engineering at PhD and MSc level, from over 30 different countries. Interested in career opportunities at Textkernel?

Powered by AI, Machine Learning and Semantic Technology

There are three core ingredients behind Textkernel’s success:

  • Semantic understanding of documents (CVs, job ads) and queries
  • Advanced searching and matching
  • HR domain knowledge

AI and Machine Learning technologies are the driving power behind this. Machine Learning enables our models to be more accurate and robust. Semantic search judges the relevance of a document based on a sophisticated model that understands what you mean rather than the the keywords that you type. In addition, a domain-specific semantic layer is needed to provide meaningful search results. Textkernel’s data-driven and extensive HR domain knowledge provides this final ingredient for state-of-the art parsing, searching and matching results.

For more information about Textkernel’s technologies, please visit our technology page.

Textkernel: origin of its name

Textkernel’s name has its origins in computer science. ‘Kernel’ is the technical term for the core of an operating system. Textkernel’s technology operates around the core, the essence of the text. A kernel is also a mathematical concept from the theory of Machine Learning. That is how the name Textkernel originated: ‘the core engine that learns the meaning of text’.

Textkernel offers the highest quality multilingual CV parsing and semantic search tools. Together with our solutions for sourcing, lead generation, matching, and labour market statistics, they accelerate the process of matching supply with demand on the jobs market.

Our expertise in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning and semantic technology, combined with a profound understanding of the market, makes Textkernel your ideal technology partner.

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