TalentHook (Resource Edge)

TalentHook (Resource Edge)

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This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Resource Edge has been a software solutions provider creating technology that facilitates automated recruitment, powerful marketing and front-end prospect management since 1999. Recognized for achievements in the world of recruiting and technology, Resource Edge is a solutions provider for thousands of companies including many in the Fortune 500.

Resource Edge has worked extensively with clients in Staffing, Corporate Recruiting, IT, Insurance and Financial Services, Call Centers, Medical and Retail industries.

Resource Edge has offices in Nevada, Texas and Illinois with a leadership team comprised of professionals with over twenty years of experience in the design, implementation and strategic use of technical solutions that streamline the way clients manage productivity and boost performance.

Search - For over a decade, TalentHook has had the reputation for the fastest, most comprehensive resume search on the market.

Recruitment Marketing - Smart candidate email campaigns can engage your prospects and prompt them to contact you before you pick up the phone.

Candidate Management - Organize prospects, set reminders and create process folders that ensure you never lose another lead – no matter how many candidates (or jobs) you are juggling.

Cloud Storage - Meet the best of both worlds – the power and reliability of a desktop application with the flexibility and convenience of cloud computing.

Technology Demo Notes

5.20.2014 Call Notes

Talenthook Cloud – Larry Ellington – 1st demo: 5/20/2014

  • Alumni pages, faculty sites, etc… mostly a lot of new grads but will find alumni as well
  • some have limits to what you can get from free
  • for sites that we have access to. For any pay site that isn’t on the list, they could add with log in information
  • To use it, enter username/password to the site one time and it saves it
  • US largest trade association sites – looks for resume docs and member profile pages – can retrieve profile page of person that is relevant
  • Can also search armed posting site
  • Schedule saved searches:
  • Note can limit # for pay boards
  • Can determine intervals in a day if you want search to run on a loop
  • Email library – templates
  • Reportable data fields