Fyre Sync

Fyre Sync

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Bullhorn Fyre Sync
Bullhorn Fyre Sync automatically imports and updates job records into your ATS – within 10 seconds or less – so you can outpace and outperform the competition as your people focus on work that matters.

Increase Productivity and Efficiency with VMS Automation
- Gain a competitive edge over firms that still manually manage VMS jobs
- Grow your business by increasing submittal volumes, placement volumes, and fill-rates
- Drastically reduce cost and eliminate errors caused by managing VMS updates manually

Bullhorn Fyre Sync Helps You Eliminate Manual Processes
- Rapid VMS automation, with an average req delivery time of 10 seconds or less
- Automatically assign jobs to the correct employees
- Real time job importing for accurate, up-to-date information
- Nightly automated auditing to ensure there are no discrepancies

VMS Platform Integrations
Out-of-the-box functionality enables you to integrate with the most common data points and retrieve any custom fields. Self-service setup of new VMS accounts allows for a quick and seamless onboarding experience.

Bullhorn Fyre Sync
VMS to ATS Automation
Let your recruiters, account managers, and admins get back to placing talent and driving revenue, while Bullhorn Fyre Sync does the rest. Fyre Sync averages 10 seconds to download resumes, saving staffing firms hours of manual data entry.

Bullhorn Sidebar
No Parsing, No Pasting. Only Placing.
Automatically capture candidates and pull them into your ATS. Bullhorn Sidebar allows recruiters to capture resumes with a single click, reducing duplicate views by nearly 25% and ultimately cuts down job board costs.