

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team


Every day, thousands of hours and millions of dollars are spent on deciding who to hire, develop and retain.

HiQ Labs helps CHROs and business leaders engage with the employees they have invested so much into attracting and developing.


Keeper is the first HCM tool to offer predictive attrition insights about an organization's employees based on publicly available data. The solution turns those attrition insights into consumable, easy-to-deploy action plans so HR and business leaders can retain their key talent.

By identifying risk early, addressing potential issues proactively, and deploying remedial actions quickly, Keeper drives immediate business impact across organizations - and provides a built-in feedback loop so you can communicate your retention win to management.

Skill Mapper

Skill Mapper was built for Talent Acquisition and Management teams facing the challenge of building workforce and succession plans without sufficient data on their employees' skill sets in their current HCM systems.

Because Skill Mapper is based on publicly available data, you can explore the full scope of your workforce's skills, including skills from previous and current roles. Our customers use Skill Mapper for workforce and succession planning, driving employee engagement by promoting internal mobility, and reducing the costs associated with external talent acquisition.

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