

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Find & Hire Freelancers

Browse 3 Million+ Experts Free

Guru makes it easy for quality employers and freelancers to connect, collaborate, and get work done flexibly and securely.

Get Started

Create a free Employer or Freelancer account in minutes. Employers post jobs — Freelancers create profiles and submit quotes to open jobs. Employers review the quotes, communicate with the freelancers, and choose who they want to Hire.

Post Your Job

You can post a job in minutes — it's simple and free! Give your job a name and describe the work you need done. The more details you can add the better. Try to answer your job's 5 W's (Who, What, When, Where, Why). Most jobs are posted immediately so you can start getting quotes — fast!

Find Freelancers Now

Take initiative and search for freelancers on your own. Refine your search by category, location, feedback score, rate, or budget. Use keywords like "Logo Design" to search by unique services and skills. Find a freelancer you'd love to work with? Click the "Request a Quote" button to specifically invite them to your job.

Questions & Answers

Like what you see, but have a couple questions? Every job post has a public question board where freelancers can ask questions and get answers. You can also start private message threads with specific freelancers — get the confidence you need before you hire.

Make the Best Choice

There are a lot of great freelancers out there, but it's important to get connected with the right freelancer for your job. Review freelancer feedback, all-time earnings, and visit profiles to checkout freelancer portfolios and see examples of their work. It's about making your best choice — so don't be afraid to look around.

Press the Blue Button to Hire

Agreements are a big part of working on Guru.com, they setup how and when payments will be made in your job. When a freelancer sends you a quote, think of it as a "purposed agreement". Accept their quote or chose to edit the agreement and you're ready to get to work — press the blue button to Hire.

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