

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Fairer and Faster Hiring for Employers and Job Seekers
Use Progow’s Fact Sheet™ Platform to create role-specific job applications that reduce bias, improve candidate experience and increase efficiency in hiring.

Job applications today are just clunky forms to collect resumes
Today's applications fail to collect the same role-specific information from every applicant while also being frustrating to complete and failing to tell candidates when they are rejected.

Bad for employers & candidates...
Initial screening and evaluation are based on resumes that do not state if objective qualifications are met, are not directly comparable and introduce bias. The result a slow process, brand damage and loss the top talent.

Product Summary

Reducing bias in screening to leads to a more qualified, diverse interview pool
Fact Sheets objectively and fairly screen every applicant for minimum requirements and preferred qualifications.

Using name-blind review documents leads to better hiring decisions
Fact Sheets create name-blind, directly comparable review documents for every applicant that recruiters and hiring managers can use for fairer, more-accurate, evaluation.

Make the application process faster and less frustrating for candiates
Improve brand perception to every individual who hits apply, potentially of millions of impressions for a 10k employee company.

Promptly communicate rejection to unqualified applicants
Avoid the "resume black hole" silence which leads 44% of applicants to develop a worse opinion of your company and 32% to be less likely to buy your products.

Increase "application coversion rate"
Increasing the percent of individuals that complete an application after clicking apply gets more applicants to conversations faster and reduces sourcing costs.

Automate screening
Automating the administrative task of screening saves recruiters time and improves the quality of the interview pool.

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