Restless Bandit

Restless Bandit

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team


Behind the mask

Restless Bandit was founded in 2014 by the team who created Bright (acquired by LinkedIn in 2014), and includes multiple PhDs and people who've spent significant time at Google, Zenefits, Simply Hired, SmartRecruiters, and other top companies. We're passionate about data science, ping pong, and elegant solutions to complex problems. (Though not necessarily in that order.) We love to find new ways to streamline the recruiting and hiring process.

The world's most intelligent recruiting platform

Automatically find, connect with, and retarget the most, qualified candidates, so you can focus on hiring. Restless Bandit is the most intelligent, comprehensive recruiting platform for finding, connecting with, and retargeting the best active and passive candidates. You'll decrease recruiting spend, increase candidate quality, and reduce time to hire with our artificial intelligence-based recruiting.

Talent Discovery 

  • Get the best brand new candidates. Our discovery algorithms automatically match your jobs to our pool of over 100 million candidates, who then apply directly to your jobs. You'll never use job boards again!
  • Post your job in less than 5 minutes. It's simple to get started— just enter title, skills, and location. The more details you provide, the more exact your matches will be.If you have more than a few jobs, contact us to put them all in at once!
  • Set a daily budget. It's up to you how much to spend on candidates for each job. You can change or cancel your budget, and activate or deactivate a job any time you want.
  • We bring you the best candidates automatically. Our algorithms use artificial intelligence to search our pool of over 100 million candidates and put your job in front of only the most qualified. The highest quality applicants come straight into your ATS or inbox.

Talent Rediscovery

  • Find the best candidate matches in your ATS. Rediscovery algorithms use artificial intelligence to match the candidates already in your ATS with your open jobs—instantly. Your best candidates are hiding in plain sight!
  • MatchTalent Rediscovery algorithms automatically find the best candidates you already have in your ATS, so you can:
    • Reduce time to hire by 40%
    • Boost candidate response by 14x
    • Eliminate unconscious bias
  • ConnectRestless Bandit puts the advantages of powerful email automation in your hands. It lets you easily reach out to scores of passive candidates automatically, while also providing a personal touch and seeing metrics like open, click, and reply rates.
  • Retarget. Restless Bandit sets up ads your candidates will see when they surf the web or spend time on Facebook, to remind them of your interest and to reapply to your company for that specific role.
  • Enrich. Resume Refresh protects your talent pool investment by automatically updating the resumes in your database. It periodically searches for and enriches them using publicly available data.
  • DedupeRestless Bandit's intelligent algorithms can instantly tell which profiles in your ATS are unique candidates (even if they have the same name), and which are just  different versions of the same profile.

Why Restless Bandit?

In a word: intelligence. Our algorithms use artificial intelligence and thousands of data points to find the most qualified matches for your open jobs. Our discovery algorithms automatically match your jobs to our pool of over 100 million candidates, who then apply directly to your jobs. You'll never use job boards again!

Our discovery algorithms automatically match your jobs to our pool of over 100 million candidates, who then apply directly to your jobs. You'll never use job boards again!

Additional Resources

Technology Demo Notes

2.12.2018 Call Notes

The First Talent Discovery Platform

  • Acquired by LI in 2014 - LI Talent Solutions

  • Talent Discovery

    • Enter Job

    • Set Budget

    • Instant matching

    • Get the best candidates

  • Pool of 100 million resumes

  • Match jobs against their pool

  • Facebook & email campaigns

  • Partnerships with Taleo & Successfactors

  • Partnerships with LI, Ladders, Google, etc.

  • Budget

    • Pay-per-click model

    • “Apply Now” button

    • Higher budget = higher reach

    • 5-8% click through rate

  • Various industries

  • Insertion Order: Minimum 750$-1000$ (to be confirmed)

  • Algorithm: How does the system determine who is a great fit?

  • Unable to answer question on algorithms to determine accuracy

  • Enter a job & set budget 

  • then they match jobs to a pool of candidates

  • Then the tool invites highly qualified people to apply through social media (Facebook) 

Pool of candidates:
Inline image 1
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