

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Planted is a talent community. A place where young professionals can grow their careers at high-impact, meaningful jobs and where top companies can find the best fits to grow their teams. Whether you’re a recent graduate looking for what’s next or a hiring manager looking to build an unstoppable team, Planted finds you the perfect fit when you’re ready to grow.

We know that the members of our talent community are on their ways to amazing places, which is why at Planted, we’re not just focused on creating the future of job seeking, but of career-building. We’re hyper focused on helping recent graduates make choices that positively impact their lives 5, 10, even 20 years down the road, providing curated opportunities that help them grow their careers for the long-term.

Why is the hiring process so painful? Luckily, we’ve been able to experience it from both sides. As young professionals, we had trouble figuring out those early steps in our careers. We know that sometimes it feels impossible to get your foot in the door, applying to dozens of jobs and never even receiving an email back. On the other hand, as hiring managers for startups, we were frustrated by all the time and effort it took to find junior talent. We know that sometimes it feels like you’re staring at an endless pool of resumes with no way to make sense of who might be the right fit. We founded Planted as a better way for people to grow their careers and for companies to grow their teams.

Product Summary

We do the heavy lifting.
Get a daily batch of curated jobs at companies where you’ll be sure to make an impact. We’ll do the hard work of searching for you.

We’ll get smarter over time.
Job searching is all about discovering the right opportunity for you. The more you respond to job batches, the better we get at figuring out the roles you like.

We’ll be your “in” to our partner companies.
We partner directly with hundreds of high growth startups and brands to build their teams. If you’re a strong potential fit, we’ll act as your personal referral and fast-track your resume to the hiring manager.

Earn a sign-on bonus for getting hired through us!
Our mission is to help you get your foot in the door at opportunities that can actually grow your career. We’re so gung-ho about this goal we’ll sweeten the deal just for getting hired through us.

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