

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


It shouldn’t be so difficult to find the right hire. At RippleMatch, our job is to make your life easy. We are the best way to find, engage, and hire college students and recent graduates for full-time jobs and internships.

After filling out our hiring profile, you can relax as our intelligent algorithms sort through tens of thousands of profiles to find the perfect matches for your roles. Every single candidate that you get matched with has already expressed interest in your role and is vetted for quality. All we need to get started is 30 minutes of your time, and we integrate seamlessly into your existing systems.

Stop talking to candidates that would never be a good fit for your role, and stop posting on job board after job board. RippleMatch allows you to cut through the noise.

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Technology Demo Notes

11.27.2017 Call Notes

College Recruitment
AI driven matching program
Focus on professional entry level roles
RippleMatch works with staffing agencies - Corn Ferry - Internal hiring, but hesitant on sourcing for their clients
Out of the box campus recruiting 
Flat subscription with unlimited access
  • Handshake/Simplicity - relying on student to find your postings & being the right fit for a job. 
  • More curated list of candidates
  • 7 times more likely to be hired on this site
  • 2/3 are accepted for 1st round interviews
  • saving 85% of the time 
  • Candidates found in grassroots marketing on campus...hiring reps on campus and having them create partnerships with organizations on campus to register in exchange for membership
  • These students are most desirable from an employment standpoint - those heavily involved in organizations on campus
Candidate completes a Survey:
FIll out preferences on university names, majors,  internship experience, ranking (importance of factors), values and motivations (culture focused), background and personality, job description, manditory req, notes on skills, keywords in resumes, etc. This is filled out by us when we get a position.
AI goes out and handpicks candidates that are best picks, auto receive outreach.
Relevancy score that AI gives based on how well they fit the criteria we set
full resumes included
Profiles are always complete
Do we want to accept or reject: if rej give reason, if accept give up to 5 stars
Communication to the candidate: when you click accept, you will be auto introduced to the student
Standard RippleMatch workflow: Introduced, Working, First Round, Second Round, Final Round, Offered, Accepted
iCIMS integration is in process
Already integrate with a few ATS - if not, can do CSV or they can build it out with the engineering team
Process: Create requisition in RippleMatch, Ripple Match will match candidates, integration creates a profile and matches to the req in ATS automatically. Moving candidates in ATS OR in Ripple Match will update statuses on both ends.

12.13.2017 Trial Follow Up Call

Trial Questions:

  • With the posting that went live, we needed to make adjustments along the way:
  • Filter for relocation - how does that work?
    • When proactively recruiting, they will validate relocation

  • Filter for no sponsorship - how does that work?
    • When students sign up they enter their response.

  • Do you manually find candidates?
    • RippleMatch has a pool of candidates

      They will fill in an algorithm and search candidates

      Once top 1% are found, RM will blast emails, call, vet them

      Email marketing, “RippleMatch’s client”, “⅔’s of presented CN’s get an interview”

  • 5 candidates in 3 days - Did you stop at 5 because of the trial or because that was all that was available/suitable?
    • Reduced # of candidates due to trial

      Generally, RM sends 10 at a time (niche roles 5-7 at a time)

      If candidates are not a fit, they can send more

      They can acquire students that aren’t in the database within a few days

  • Process: RC sent JD, RippleMatch posted right away, RC goes in and fills out survey (3 min - position is posted while that happens). In the future, the account manager can post or the RC’s can post.

Trial Results:

  • Trialed with 1 Avanade Recruitment Consultant
  • We were under a tight timeline to fill these roles and could not risk the tool falling through. Ultimately, we found our own candidates on these 2 roles. May be best used when you are recruiting in advance.
  • Are you open to another trial on another account, knowing more about the tool?
    • Yes, for larger accounts


Can be branded separately for separate clients within 1 platform/access
Efficiency in University Recruitment 
Candidate profiles are always complete
Saves time of sourcing/screening as candidates are already a match


US Universities only

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