

Image result for Workable

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


The most popular applicant tracking system
Workable is trusted by over 6000 companies to streamline their recruiting. With its intuitive interface,
Workable helps hiring teams through every step of the process.

Transform your candidate sourcing
Accelerate talent sourcing with People Search, a Chrome extension. Save hours of research time with instant email and resume look-up. Find rich candidate profiles and reach out to prospects directly with a personalized email.
People Search is available independently from Workable. For a streamlined approach to talent sourcing and applicant tracking, People Search also integrates with Workable directly.

Create beautiful careers pages
Whether you’re a developer or an HR professional, create a careers page and custom application form for every job. These auto-updating, mobile friendly careers pages give you full control of your employer brand.

Up and running in minutes, one-time setup Careers pages that auto-update with every new jobs mobile-friendly candidate experience

Custom job application forms

One-click apply from major job boards

Embeddable widget or API for full customization

Advertise  on the best job boards
Attract more candidates by expanding your reach. Post to multiple free and premium job boards with a single submission.
Free job posting and advertising on multiple job sites

Wide range of premium and specialist job boards

Social recruiting and Facebook Jobs tab

Built-in employee referral programs

Find, nurture and progress the best talent
Workable is more than a candidate tracking system. Build and nurture meaningful relationships with candidates over time:
Sync your email with Workable and manage candidates from your desktop or smartphone

Build a candidate database, a complete record of everyone who has been sourced or applied
Tags and filters segment your candidate database to create accessible talent pools

Reminders saved on the candidate’s profile keep communication timely and relevant

Technology Demo Notes

Call Notes

Crystal Kardys

  • CRM & ATS components
  • CRM side scraps from 400+ sources to obtain most updating information on candidate profile
  • machine learning - the more you use the more accurate it becomes
  • Open API
  • Preferred LI partner (but need information on its algorithm)
  • Not a preferred vendor with iCIMS - not 100% confident we could integrate the two
  • Free trial; would be looking for 15-20 recruiters recruiting on roles likes sales, engineering, IT in larger markets
  • European based organization - will be GDPR compliant by next May
  • Wondering how different this is from using Daxtra and LIR?


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