

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


About Us

At Wirkn, we believe there is a perfect job for every person.

We believe that people are the heart of any organization, and that personality and interests should count for more than just who you know and how much experience you have.


It's our mission to help great talent get discovered, as well as to help young talent discover the brands and employers that best fit them.

Manage & Screen Candidates with Ease.

See video applications, access a candidate pool, and reward candidates as customers.

Manage your team wherever you are.

Wirkn provides you with the tools to make recruiting and retaining your team easier.

Understand Your Candidates through Video Screening

Connect with qualified candidates instantly and easily review their rich dynamic profile and availability.

Optimize Hiring with Local Candidates

Join our growing community and get discovered by a hyper-local candidate pool.

Give Applicants a Branded Experience

No more lifeless postings on job boards, Wirkn gives you rich media onboarding and application experience to showcase your brand.

Turn your Applicants into Customers

Use Wirkn’s unique reward system to turn your biggest advocates - applicants - into loyal customers.

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