

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


XING is the leading online business network with 15 million members in German-speaking countries. Workers from every industry use XING to connect with one another, to look for jobs, new hires, projects, cooperation partners, expert advice and business ideas.

Number 1 in D-A-CH

XING has been writing its own success story for 15 years. The Company was founded in Hamburg, Germany, in 2003, has been publicly listed since 2006, and listed on the TecDAX since September 2011. XING became a unicorn company in 2015.

XING has over 1200 employees spread across offices in Hamburg, Munich, Barcelona, Vienna, Zurich and Porto.

Expertise and continuity

The XING Executive Board is responsible for corporate strategy and its implementation. The Supervisory Board works closely with the Executive Board and is involved in the Company's main strategic decisions.

Trustworthy link

Online business networking is based on trust. We do everything in our power to make the XING platform and your data as safe and secure as possible.

Independent audits

We have external independent institutes verify the various technical aspects of our platform on a regular basis.

Our in-house security team and external security experts perform regular checks to analyse our infrastructure.


Innovative products and services are not just the cornerstone of our company’s success; they also reflect our responsibility to know the needs of employees and employers and to use this knowledge to help them access the radical changes currently underway in the way we work. In addition to our premium offers, we supply a variety of free, no-obligation tools that members can use to improve their job satisfaction and support their own professional development.

Our aim is to be a mentor for our members and to offer them guidance – guidance on which individual path they would like to take. Some members would like to be as successful as possible, for example, and have a successful career in the traditional sense. Some want to find a job with an optimum work-life balance. And others are looking for ways to work less, or perhaps a job with an emphasis on social projects. Our efforts to assist them create an important social benefit. In order to extend our lead as the largest professional network in the German-speaking world, we work continuously on innovative products and on our customer service.

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