

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.

Seedlink was built upon the vision of using technology to gain insights on human behavior and applying them to the contribution of business success.

HR practices still follow old-fashion paradigm and employ outdated tools, despite the fact that technology has advanced so dramatically that it manages to have changed so many industries.

Companies struggle to find the right people and nurture the talent for the success of their business. They have invested a great deal of resource, and yet the gain is disproportionately less than expected.

On the other hand, job seekers are having a hard time finding companies they would really fit in. Many great talents are mismatched to companies where their skills become wasted, or misplaced to organizations culturally unfit to their personalities. Even worse, some of them are completely overlooked.

The conventional wisdom of HR is very subjective, depending a lot on human judgement. It cannot keep up with the fast and ever-changing information era we live in, because many of the theories on which the assessment tools are based came from last century. Moreover, the old practices can take up a lot of time and prove to be extremely inefficient.

People in Seedlink know this. That is why we want to change it and make a difference.

We developed a technology able to help recruiters find talents that are much more culturally fit to their organizations and possess skills the companies exactly need, all with data-driven objectivity free from any type of bias.

The software we built applies machine learning to recruitment. Using neural networks, it analyses gigabytes of data to produce models of ideal candidates. We then match candidates’ responses against our models to predict which candidates best fit our clients’ requirements. This way, HR executives are able to efficiently interview thousands of applicants through mobile and desktop. Better fits, faster with data driven insights.

AI Enhanced Recruiting

Predictive. Efficient. Unbiased.

Hiring that gets you measurable results in:

  • Efficiency & Diversity: Young Professionals Recruiting
  • Profit Generation: Revenue Generating Roles

Why Seedlink?

Built on Interdisciplinary Research

Machine learning and AI guided by Computational Linguistics and Organizational Psychology for unbiased, predictive decision making.

Mature AI Built over 5 Years

Seedlink has been providing AI-based solution insights at scale for Fortune 500 Global clients since 2013.

How Seedlink Creates Value

+80% Hiring Efficiency

The machine speeds up your hiring process by recommending qualified, best match candidates for specific positions in your company. Seedlink transforms organization’s hiring process of all sizes, with high volume recruiting seeing +80% increase in selection efficiency.

+7% - 30% Retention Rate

Candidates selected by the smart, data-driven algorithm showed a significantly better culture fit and had higher job satisfaction with an improved retention rate. Retentions rates are improved across high to low turnover industries.

+29% Work Performance

The talent data that is processed by A.I. can be applied in a diverse talent strategy and used to develop employee performance based on your business needs. Average revenue per month for revenue generating roles see’s +29%.

Call Notes 2.25.2019

  • Compares data of high/low performers to craft the ideal profile for candidates

  • Claim the structure of linguistics can predict, personalities

  • What is the difference in this tool and the use of linguistics?

    • Highly customizable - do not use the big 5 personality assessment or any psychometric assessment. They put someone in the context of the job they may do.

    • Analyze subconscious linguistics - cannot ‘game’ the system

  • How do you accommodate for those with disabilities?

    • Use written language only

    • Currently work with 8 languages

    • Have conducted research on those with dyslexia and there was no impact to the validity

  • This approach minus linguistics is generally used for culture fit

  • Process

    • Candidate

      • Sign up

      • Answer a few questions via an open text box

        • Three question approach

      • Ability to ask questions via video

    • Recruiter

      • Analytics

        • Indiv candidate reports

        • People Analytics

        • Automated Ranking

        • Organizational Analysis

  • Increased revenue in candidates hired with this tool in place.

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