Balance Trak

Balance Trak


This tool has been solely researched by Wilson HCG Innovation Team


BlindData has tested thousands of software engineers and ranked them against the best programmers from Google, MIT and other top institutions. Hundreds of software developers take our online programming test each month, and we invite top programmers to be a part of our candidate network. The assessment, designed by distinguished computer scientists, consists of adaptive multiple-choice questions and live coding tasks.

Candidates that make it through our rigorous screening process are among the top software engineers on the market. With thousands of BlindData candidates, we can quickly optimize the technical hiring process for companies. Allow BlindData to identify and pre-screen top software engineers by getting started on your partnership today!

 How it works

  1. Computer Software engineers take our 30-minute online test in C++, JAVA, PHP, or Python

  2. Software developers get their score and ranking

  3. High performers are invited for a comprehensive in-person screening

  4. We match candidates with our employee-partners. 

Why Take the Test? 

Competitive Programming: Test your skills against the best software engineers from Google, MIT and other benchmarks. See how you rank against your peers and retest every six months to track your improvement. We reward top scorers with generous cash stipends.

Skill Endorsement: Get discovered by great employers based on your talent - not just your resume. As a BlindData candidate, your name will be at the top of the pile with multiple employer partners. High-scoring candidates receive personalized assistance from our team with their job search.

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