


This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.



The Network Recruiting Platform

Drafted helps you tap into the full potential of your company network to source, qualify, and hire the right candidates.

All parts of the recruiting process in one streamlined platform.


Source candidates faster

Drafted Sourcer uses smart search and custom filters to find the best candidates in your company's extended network for your roles. Reduce your time to sourcing qualified candidates faster.



Smart referral suggestions

Drafted matches people in your network to your company's open roles. Drafted uses NLP, AI, and machine learning to provide personalized matches for you and everyone in your company.



Engage your employees

The Drafted Slackbot sends weekly intelligent referral recomendations to your team. Submit your referrals directly from Slack to your ATS with the click of a button. It's the easiest way.



Increase your response rate

Reach out to more candidates faster, while drastically increasing your response rate by leveraging your team for warm automated introductions to your top candidates.


Technology Demo Notes


Demo Notes 7.16.2019


  • Network recruiting platform

  • Drive proactive referrals

  • Ability to connect contacts and source through & use algorithm to pre-identify

  • RPO's typically have an instance for themselves

  • Greenhouse, Lever, iCIMS, Jobvite, Workable, etc. Capability to integrate with almost every ATS, but only integrate when driven by a client need. Workday is coming soon.

  • Integrated w Gmail & Office 365

  • Integration w Slack

  • Alignment of contacts w open roles

  • Engage EE's to submit proactive referrals

  • Matches

    • Ask employees to connect LinkedIn connections CSV file or email address books

    • First, Last, Employer - they find publicly available information (email or changes in work history)

    • Do you integrate w any other social channels? Facebook? etc.

      • Intentionally, no. Facebook is very guarded w contact information and limited in exporting them. Every employee and referral would need to link their Facebook's. Contacts at other social media's are not as fruitful - Twitter delivers challenges as many follow celebrities etc.

      • Capable, yes

    • Where do roles populate from and what visibility do the employees receive? ie. Only roles open on the career site

      • Public, open roles

    • Contact: Select role you think they may be a fit for, via email OR, refer to the open role

    • Any metrics or case studies on the increased hires coming from referrals as a result of implementing this solution?

      • Will send after

      • Map ATS buckets to drafted, track progress, & deliver data in addition to conversion rates

      • WayFair: .001 conversion; 10:1 for referrals....increased quantity of referrals 200%

    • Integration w any other chat tech? ie RingCentral, Skype, etc.

      • Exploring Skype, due to Microsoft acquisition

      • Open to expanding if larger clients come through

    • 80% response rate to introductions (positive and negative)

  • Biggest challenge: Adoption rate within the organization

    • Drafted team spends a lot of time focused on on-boarding

    • Once a quarter they as for a re-upload for new contacts. For all existing contacts, they update themselves. ie Role changes, Company changes

    • If you add this to new employee on-boarding checklist, there is far less resistance

  • How does the match technology work?

    • Starts w compiling a significant amount of data

    • System starts to learn from that data

    • Match at the highest level: Title, Location

    • Consideration for seniority scales

    • Data analysts consistently update

  • Universities they have come from? Not yet

  • Linkedin is built on linear structure, when you search they go through rows and columns, extremely fast

  • Drafted uses a graph tech that clusters people based on the networks people have.

  • Subset of team (ex 600 ee's) showcased success and now expand across the org.

    • Different pricing models

    • Ask for 1-year commitment on a small scale

    • Traditionally, include ats integration. If existing integration, there is a fee, but this can be waived for most enterprise agreements.

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