

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Direqlink is a cloud-based on-demand recruitment platform that enables employers to cast a bigger net and hire the perfect candidate by accessing the deep networks, tools and experience of a diverse cross-section of top local professional recruiters in a streamlined and cost-effective way.


Many employers are frustrated by the lack of consistency and results of their current recruitment strategy. By creating a platform that puts the focus squarely on delivery instead of sales pitches, Direqlink has eliminated many of the inefficiencies that waste so much time and money for both employers and recruiters alike. The end result is a streamlined, cost-effective way for employers to cut through the noise and find the recruiter with the perfect candidate for their current need every time.


Using Direqlink’s streamlined platform, employers select top professional recruiters from a pre-qualified preferred list and invite them to submit candidates for their open job, under one set of terms and flat fee selected by the employer. Invited recruiters will then review the job and either accept or decline the invitation to submit candidates. All aspects of the recruitment process right through the billing and guarantee management are done through the Direqlink platform, ensuring a consistent level of quality and accountability every step of the way. Our five-star rating system allows employers and agencies to view which agencies are consistently delivering quality candidates across the entire network and to rate their own experience with the agencies they engaged with after the job is filled.

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