Chmura - JobsEQ

Chmura - JobsEQ


This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Data as Actionable Intelligence

As trusted economic advisors, we help our clients mitigate risk and prepare for growth by answering big data questions, quickly and effectively. By integrating historical, current and predictive market reports, we cut through confusing or anecdotal information, unreliable data sources, and opinions to increase your understanding from a macro to a micro level. We take pride in using our creativity to help you communicate complex advanced economic data sets to others by delivering highly visual and easy-to-use presentations and reports.



Find the ideal location for your expansion, determine the economic impact of your capital investment on the area economy, or get forecasts of key business metrics such as sales, delinquencies, and charge offs.

Economic Development

Evaluate the economic and fiscal impact of investing in industrial park development, understand the ROI of incentive programs, and demonstrate the results of your economic development program.

Workforce Development

Track workforce supply and characteristics, plot occupational pathways, or apply block-level labor data to help find the ideal location for hiring within a single market area. Know the ROI from your program implementation.


Align your training offerings to local industry demand, measure the economic impact of schools or academic programs on the community or state, or uncover opportunities for career pathway development.


Understand the impact of changes in federal spending, evaluate the cost-benefit of infrastructure improvements, get tourism visitor profiles and impact studies to implement strategies.

Talent Analytics

Our human resources clients are positioned in both the private and government sectors. To empower our clients, we utilize our proprietary technology platform—JobsEQ—and our Real-Time Intelligence portal to help organizations recruit, hire, retain, and plan for workplace succession of their employee pools.


JobsEQ is Software as a Service (SaaS) that gives you 24-hour online access to our labor market data. Designed and developed with data governance as the priority, our economists and data scientists ensure that our tools provide credible data. JobsEQ helps site selectors and economic developers identify unique workforce characteristics within their communities and provide quality data to clients by describing current industry and demographic trends, and targeted occupation and labor market information. JobsEQ can deliver data-driven empirical evidence that a region’s workforce has the skills they need, and uses charts, tables, and maps to help your audience visualize the talent pipeline.

Main Features

Employment, wages, and demographic data are all provided at the zipcode level of detail. You’re able to define your region by a radius or drive-time from an address then quickly and easily create dynamic reports and presentations that couple current regional demographics with occupation-specific data or education data, for example.


Chmura’s proprietary modeling and forecasts bring together scores of unique data sources so you have the data you need, when you need it, with the at-a-glance dashboard giving you visibility into the most relevant analytics immediately upon logging in.


Our highly flexible platform enables you to customize your data in a variety of ways, including building custom regions, and custom industry and occupation groups, to test economic events or alternative forecasts and get insight on the impact each makes on the economy.


All our data are exportable, allowing you to easily extract data, then create visuals of your data as customized charts and tables, cluster analyses, or data maps for the most impactful reports and presentations.


Decision tools help you identify unique assets within your community, compare your competition in terms of labor supply, occupation details, training assets, and other key areas to better assess risks and opportunities and develop the best strategy.


Our live chat support feature provides real-time answers to your questions, and our online training sessions help your organization maximize the platform's models and features.

Additional Modules

Real-time Intelligence

Online job postings data that provide intelligence on the number of openings by occupation plus job locations, employers, job titles, and required certifications, to identify current job demand.


Detailed labor market data from timely and credible sources that create an accurate picture of labor supply, labor cost, and economic climate, to identify the best location for business expansion.

Career Concourse

Easy-to-use online tool that empowers job seekers or job counselors with assessment tests, regional occupation information and real-world job openings to help job seekers explore opportunities.

JobsEQ Widgets

Embed and share the latest data from JobsEQ, directly onto your organization’s website.

Data as a Service

Specific user-defined raw data to enhance clients’ internal business intelligence data and become variables and input that provide more robust analysis and results in more confident forecasting.

JobsEQ FIT Certification Program

Become a more expert user of the data and features of JobsEQ. Become “JobsEQ Certified” and bring added value to your organization.

Additional Resources

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