

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Our mission is to make workplaces transparent and rewarding for both employees and employers.

Comparably reveals company cultures & market compensation (as contributed by real employees), and showcases the most fair and accurate display of employer brands.

Hire Great Talent, Track Market Comp & Measure Employee Sentiment
With Comparably Employer Solutions, get matched with top talent, access market compensation data, & compare your employee company culture to industry benchmarks.

Hire Great Talent
- Recruiters and hiring managers can connect with candidates matched specifically to your company culture and open jobs
- View candidate work profile
- Access a rich dashboard of interested & quality talent

Benchmark Your Culture
- Stack rank your company culture fares vs your competitors
- Listen to your employees and their insights
- Identify and manage employer brand issues

Manage your Company's Brand
- Give your employees and new candidates a sense of what it's like to work at your company
- Showcase your company's brand through unlimited media capability
- Improve your discoverability to the most sought after digital market talent

See Market Compensation Reports
- Stay competitive in the market for the best talent with compensation insight
- Access real compensation data across multiple job titles
- Filter data by location, gender, ethnicity, and more

Demo Notes

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