

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team


DeskTime provide fully automatic time tracking for individuals and companies. All you need is to Sign up and download software for your computer. We support Windows, MAC and Linux Ubuntu versions.

DeskTime software will track everything your employees do at the computer - monitor which websites, apps, documents and programs they use and how long. It will track what time you arrive, what time you leave, how many and how long are your breaks. You can set up apps and websites as productive, unproductive or neutral to measure productivity and effectiveness for each employee.

We provide Absence calendar where you can set up business trips, sick days, vacations etc to see why your employee is not at work. Absence calendar is very easy to feature to count how many days employee been on vacation, sick, business trips etc. It's possible to download report about all used days under Reports section.

We have automatic screenshots function which can be enabled for whole company or individually for employees. Screenshots been taken once per 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes in random time that no one knows when it will come up. As many users try to cheat, screenshots are very useful how to catch who is cheating and don't work on work related things. Even if there is an unproductive app or website open in the background we will detect that and mark screenshot as suspicious so supervisors can check that employee if needed and watch more carefully.

Also we provide to track projects by project timer and get exact times how much time everyone spend on specific projects and tasks. All data can be seen under Projects section and get precise reports about Projects time under Reports section.

We have detailed reports which can be downloaded in .xls format and filter, or to see in visual way under Reports Overview.

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Technology Demo Notes

9.15.2017 Call Notes

Attendees: AP, Craig Dougherty, Tom@DeskTime

Use cases:

Admin teams within organization to help create efficiency for team members - not a fit

Craig Dougherty Notes:

In general, I don't think we would ever put something like this in place. We would have a hard time convincing anyone to work here. It's probably something you can only get away with for low level call center type jobs. I know for those we've asked to use Harvest we've had some push back, so I can't even imagine the outrage if we told people we'd be tracking everything they're doing and taking pictures. There really was no task automation element to this so I don't think it's what Kim maybe thought it was.

- how does it know what is a productive app and what is not?

 - Admin sets these apps or websites

- How does it know you're away from your computer?

 - It detects idle time on your computer (3 minutes)

- Do users need to be on a company network?

 - Software is a local installation on each computer, so no need to be on the company network

- Does a user have to manually track time against project tasks?

 - User chooses a task and starts a timer basically, which Harvest also does

- Time can be manually added to timesheets

- Google Calendar can also be synced to timesheets to record meetings

- Automatic Screenshots of User's computers at any time (optional feature)

 - Legal apparently as long as you tell the employee and it's a work computer

- Private Time option

 - User can start private time and nothing will be tracked, but manager will see that they did that

- Still works when internet is disconnect. Data is saved on local computer and uploaded to DeskTime servers when connection is established

AP Additions:

Mainly used in roles where developers, support, call centers, accountants need to be tracked on productive vs. unproductive time.

No Automation


  • Monthly fee based on users
  • 14-day free trial

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