

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.



The Coorpacademy story

Coorpacademy is based in Paris and Lausanne, at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne’s Swiss EdTech Collider. The start-up isat the heart of research into newlearning methods. It is an expert in adapting its customers’ training content to new learning methodologies.

Coorpacademy’s innovative teaching system is based on four key concepts: gamification, community, flexibility and flipped learning. It has just one objective in mind: engaging users.

In 2013, the three co-founders came together around a shared belief that transforming life-long learning is a determining factor for any business looking to successfully change how it works. Having experienced how dull traditional e-learning can be and witnessing the Mooc (massive open online courses) revolution in 2012, they decided to design the digital learning platform of their dreams.


An innovative corporate learning experience

Coorpacademy is a user-centric digital learning solution which integrates the latest innovations in online education. You can access all our courses on any device, wherever and whenever you want– the choice is all yours.

  • VIDEOS - Watch video lessons to learn and make progress
  • QUIZZES - Test your knowledge through hundreds of quizzes
  • BATTLE Revise by challenging users to battles
  • CERTIFICATESGet certificates to prove your skills

Why Coorpacademy?

  • Learn at your own pace
  • Take short sessions
  • Stop and restart at any time
  • Use any device
  • Learning adapted to you
  • A system that adapts to what you already know
  • Choose your own learning path
  • Bespoke content
  • Have fun
  • A gamified learning environment
  • Inspired by video games
  • «Stop & Go» function
  • Learning Community
  • Peer coaching
  • Discussion forum
  • Challenges for multiple learners
  • Ranking
  • microlearning-online-coorpacademy-en 2@2x
  • Training adapted to your needs
  • Whatever your company’s size, Coorpacademy has the right solution for you.
  • Bespoke training courses created with Coorpacademy’s own authoring tool, Cockpit, which makes it easy to create training courses and publish them online.

R&D at the heart of Coorpacademy - EPFL Innovation Park

Coorpacademy is the flagship start-up of the Swiss EdTech Collider, a start-up accelerator based at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne’s (EPFL) Innovation Park. The Swiss EdTech Collider is the first European start-up accelerator dedicated to new education technology. It is a place where research and corporations interact, offering you a unique opportunity to explore new horizons, surround yourself with top talent and collaborate and interact with the EPFL campus.