

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


The Fastest, Easiest Way To Create Conversations That Convert In 5 Seconds

Engage immediately to increase leads, drive revenue with quizzes, interactive videos, images & more!

Understanding What Your Audience Wants Most Has Never Been Easier.
One platform – any device, any idea, any concept, any campaign and any interactive content. Create mobile-friendly experiences that convert using quizzes, surveys, polls, assessments, interactive images and slides. Use them in videos as well — not to mention video branching and chaptering.

How It Works: Boost Results And ROI With Pre-Targeted And Re-Targeted Recommendations


Grab and keep attention. Stop the monologue; join the dialogue.


Group by demographics, psychographics and behaviors in real time.


Make informed product offers based on customers’ answers/actions.


Gain actionable insights you want. Get valuable micro-data by analyzing content interaction.

Unify All Your Content On Any Device Anywhere On One Platform

  • Generate high-quality leads and viral traffic with hyper-targeted offers.
  • Capture real-time microdata to make your big data smarter and more valuable.
  • Integrate and measure your customer’s level of engagement on social media and the web, across any platform and any device.
  • DilogR: The only available platform that allows you to use and combine Q&A, quizzes, surveys, polls, assessments, interactive images, interactive video, and much more… All in one place.

Turn Your Videos Into Personalized Conversations

Drive Traffic

Use Video to help prospects through the buyer’s journey

Insert Calls to Action into your video to drive traffic to offers, landing pages, downloads, additional videos or order forms. Use DilogR’s custom thank you page builder to drive targeted traffic based on video interaction.

Build Your List

Generate Leads with lead capture forms directly in your videos. Insert the lead capture where it fits best with your campaign. You can capture a lead up front before the video begins, include a gate part way through the video, or ask for the lead at the end of the video after viewer consumes your content.

Segment Your List

Segment viewers based on viewing behavior and interactions. Use this data to drive lead scoring and unique follow-up campaigns.

Integrate with CRM, Marketing Automation, and Email Marketing Tools

Send video data from DilogR directly into your marketing automation platform, CRM, or Email Marketing System. Use this data for lead scoring, segmentation, and ROI tracking. Send highly targeted content to your most engaged leads at exactly the right moment based on their video viewing history.

What Is Visual Marketing ?

DilogR is an interactive multimedia platform that empowers publishers, trainers, brands, and bloggers to engage, know and recommend what prospects and customers want right now by adding rich media links to images, photos slides, and infographics.

Use DilogR to create interactive aerial photography, maps, posters, infographics, slides, and shoppable product catalogs in minutes!

You measure how people interact with your content across mobile, social and the web.

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