Blue Prism

Blue Prism

This tool has been solely researched by WilsonHCG Innovation Team

Used by Kelly OCG


Blue Prism is intelligent automation — business-developed, no-code automation that pushes the boundaries of robotic process automation (RPA) to deliver value across any business process in a connected enterprise.

A combination of RPA with expanded cognitive and AI capabilities, Blue Prism is different than other automation technology on the market. With one Blue Prism license, you gain instant access to an already AI equipped digital workforce, along with the tools you need to build and delegate automations.

Design Studio

  • Drag-and-drop process automation building

  • Reuse “objects”—the events and actions that build a process—across the business

  • Updates to objects and processes are made once and saved throughout the library

Digital Workforce

  • Autonomous software robots

  • Clever technologies that mimic and learn business processes like humans

  • Equipped with AI capabilities and our six intelligent automation skills

Control Room

  • Assign processes to digital workers

  • Scale task and digital worker volume on-demand

  • Real-time transparency of process proficiencies


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