This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.
Tool fatigue? No problem.
Bonusly integrates seamlessly with your organization's HR and communication tools.
- Send microbonuses directly through Slack
- View bonus activity on Office 365
- Automatically sync users in Workday
- Authenticate through Okta or OneLogin
Recognize Great Work
Employees give and receive timely and meaningful praise and recognition -- increasing motivation, productivity, and retention.
Integrate With Ease
Bonusly integrates with employee workflows as well as your back office, meaning there's virtually no administration required.
Work Smarter
Crowdsource valuable information about your organization's strengths, behaviors, and accomplishments.
How Bonusly works
- Every month, users get an allowance to give out to their colleagues in small increments to recognize great work.
- Monthly allowance. Users give out this allowance to their colleagues. The allowance refreshes at the beginning of each month.
- Bonus earnings. Bonus earnings can be spent on anything from your company’s global reward catalog.
- Giving a Bonus. Giving a bonus is a quick, simple interaction. Each bonus includes four things: an amount, a recipient, a reason, and a hashtag.
- Bonus amount. Bonuses can be given in any amount. If a bonus includes more than one recipient, every recipient receives a bonus from the giver in that amount.
- Bonus recipients. Every bonus includes at least one recipient, but there is no limit to the number of recipients that can be added to a bonus.
- The reason. Each microbonus includes a written reason, so everyone can see all the great work happening across your organization every day.
- Hashtags. Each bonus includes at least one hashtag. Hashtags reveal trends and provide insights into your team's values and interests.
- Rewards. With a global catalog of the world's most popular brands instantly available, Bonusly's built-in reward catalog makes rewarding employees as simple as it is impactful.
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