This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team
How It Works
HR post jobs to employees
- Increased employee engagement
- Full analytics for every job posted
- Higher levels of talent acquisition & retention
Employees share with their network
- Easy one click sharing of jobs
- Real-time tracking of all your referrals
- Added engagement through gamification
Referred candidates apply
- Simple application process
- kept up to date with real time notifications
Key Features
- Reduces recruitment time & costs
- Automates the referral process
- Keeps employees more engaged and committed
- Create competitions to further incentivise employees
- Accessible on Desktop, iOS and Android
- HireUp can be integrated with your in-house solutions
Technology Demo Notes
07.03.2018 Call Notes
- David Maloney & Nathan founded in 2016
- Referral technology
- Engagement from HR team; easy sharing
- Launched in 2017 September
- Clients: TSB (Irish bank) Construction company, KPMG, EY, PWC
- Regions: Worldwide
- English, Italian, French, German
- GDPR compliant (opt-in)
- Partnerships with RPO's
- HR
- Open Jobs - fed from ATS or manually entered
- Fields are all captured from the ATS
- Fields can be defined as presets
- Publish: Shares out to employees
- Screening questions can be captured
- Employees
- Notifications: On mobile device of internal vacancies or Email
- Ability to share position through Whatsapp, message, messenger, gmail, etc.
- Referral
- Quick acccount setup
- Referrer and HR are updated at submission of application
- Employee is not given acccess to CV
- Status updates are provided to the referrer