

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Delivering Talent Innovations and Proven Results for Over 40 Years
We help companies transform productivity through deeper people insight. Powering the future of business, our data and tools are proven to drive stronger, more sustainable business outcomes.

We Are People Experts
We understand, and measure, the things that make people successful at work. Most importantly, we show you if individuals will be a good fit for a particular role and whether they’ll flourish in your organization.

With this sort of insight – derived from our complex people science, data analytics and deep expertise – you’ll be empowered to make confident, timely decisions about hiring, managing and developing people.

Unlocking Productivity
It starts with your people. Leaders face tremendous pressure to achieve organizational goals and make their businesses more efficient. Having the right people is key to improving productivity for today, and the future.

How do you know if you have the right people? What skills and capabilities are needed to succeed in your firm? Are you giving the right people career growth? We can provide you with the resources to identify and develop your people to their potential.

Product Summary

1.Select and Recruit Talent

Improve new-hire quality and retention with SHL’s selection solutions
Organizations face rapid changes and unknown dynamics in today’s complex recruiting market. At the same time, pressure to reduce costs and improve productivity is mounting.

SHL’s selection solutions improve recruiting efficiency and effectiveness as well as the candidate experience. By harnessing best practices and world-class assessments—presented through a user-friendly interface—you can easily identify candidates best suited for the role, company and culture. Using assessment data to measure candidates’ ability, personality and behavior against role requirements, ensures fair hiring decisions are made.

2.Identitfy and Develop Leaders

Get precision insights with SHL leadership solutions
The world of leadership has changed—more demands, more diversity, more dotted-line reporting.  Yet few organizations have updated their talent strategies to keep pace.

SHL leadership solutions combine science and deep research to highlight your best leadership candidates and provide a flexible framework to develop them to their full potential—maximizing business results.

3.Consultancy Services at SHL
Our global team of HR experts, occupational psychologists, and implementation advisers can partner with you to identify the best assessments to help your organization select and develop the right people for the right roles.

World-Class Assessments
Predictive assessments that precisely measure skills, behaviors, and performance potential aligned to business outcomes

Scientific Expertise
More than 1,000 researchers, data scientists, I/O psychologists, and technology staff members

Global Presence
Delivers roughly 30 million assessments annually, in multiple countries and languages

Expert Guidance and Services
Expert guidance and service and an industry-leading customer service center

State of the Art Technology
Technology platform that seamlessly integrates with over 90 talent management systems

Engaging User Experience
Engaging, intuitive experience that is easy for both candidates and administrators to use

Additional Services

Managed Services

Outsourced solution enables candidates to complete assessments you select; we handle administration — instant delivery of easy-to-interpret results and reports.

Customer Profile: Wants to leverage best practices and proven talent measurement methodologies, focused on value/price, needs quick implementation and ROI data.

Training Services

Our training services equip your team with the skills and tools necessary to implement the world’s best assessments. We provide support during and after training by combining classroom training with e-learning that can be customized to meet your talent management objectives.

Learn how our Training can help you witness real business benefits from assessments.

Integrated Solutions

This comprehensive enterprise implementation integrates a tailored platform into your existing systems to address your unique needs. Find out more about our integrated solutions.

Customer Profile: Wants to transform approach to talent management, solutions buyer, proactively tracks ROI to demonstrate value, desires tailored solution.

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