

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Skillmeter ensures you're hiring successfully by preselecting candidates based on their actual skills and knowledge.Save time, money and avoid stress.

Product Summary

Create tests
Skillmeter offers everything you need to create and assign customized assessments to specific candidates. The tests can be timed, scored and allow candidates to skip or review questions at the end of the session.

Add your questions
Adding custom questions is as simple as 1-2-3
We currently offer 12 different types that you can add and mix in each of your tests:

  • Instructions
  • Multiple choice with only one correct answer
  • Multiple choice with two or more correct answers
  • True/False
  • Ranking
  • Exact match
  • "Fill in the blank" / Essay
  • Picture Choice
  • File Upload
  • Typing Speed
  • Video Recording
  • Programming

Manage your candidates
This section shows you all your candidates: names, the tests they have taken and how they did, and displays their unique pin code. You can filter the candidates and search for specific people.

Test result
Immediately after a candidate finishes a test session, the test report becomes available to the recruiter and provides the overall score and details on how the candidate answered each question. The report is available on Skillmeter and can also be downloaded as a PDF file.

Test center
To access the test center, the candidates will go to your unique Skillmeter sub-domain name (your_company.skillmeter.com). You can personalize the test center with your company logo and with links to your company's website and Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.

Result notifications
You will know when a candidate finishes a test as Skillmeter will send you an email as soon as your candidate completes the test.


On average, recruiters who use Skillmeter decide a job candidate's suitability in half the time. They save one hour per job candidate and often get compliments from clients about them.

Available anywhere/anytime

Tests are available 24/7 and candidates can take the assessments from anywhere in the world, with any browser.

Use your own tests

Skillmeter allows you build your tests in any format: timed, scored and with a wide variety of question types.

Flexible branding

Personalize your test center with your own logo and your own sub-domain name to keep the identity of your company.

Fast results reporting

You get tests results instantly by email and they are also archived in the system for later reference.


We take privacy & security seriously. All information is transmitted over a secure and encrypted connection.

No IT required

Skillmeter runs in the cloud so you don't have to worry about installing or upgrading your software. Every new feature we add is instantly available.

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