Swoop Talent

Swoop Talent

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Our Talent Data as a Service product automatically connects all of your talent data and all of the world's talent data to power everything you need to do with data across the full talent lifecycle.  Whether it's integrations, data refresh, analytics, migrations, machine learning or any other priority, we free you up to do the strategic things

Why SwoopTalent?

Your SwoopTalent private talent data lake lets you maximize the impact of HR by making it easier to do every single thing you need to do with data.  Get the right data instantly in the hands of your recruiters, give your analysts a huge, comprehensive dataset, power machine learning - or even make your system migrations easy.  You'll be amazed how many ways we help.

Connect your systems

Your recruiting and HR teams works in multiple systems and keeping data consistent is an ongoing struggle. With SwoopTalent, it doesn't have to be.

Manage your data

Is your people data out of date? Are you migrating from one HRMS to another? Did you already do a migration and realize that you need some of your old data? No problem, we have you covered.

Enable AI and ML

Artificial Intelligence, and particularly machine learning, are shaping up to be very important in business and talent.  For them to be really successful, they need really good data - like we give you.

Power Analytics

With great data comes great responsibility. People data has historically been difficult to analyze. With SwoopTalent Insights linked to our data lake of 400M profiles combined with your people data you'll be given the ammunition to make quick, smart talent decisions.

Get Data in the right hands

We make access to talent data easy. If your teams are working within Swoop, they'll easily see up to date public and internal data about a candidate. If they're utilizing another system; they'll have access to the same detailed data via our browser extension.

Ready for what's next

The future is data-driven.  We arrange your data to train algorithms, feed analytics and power AI.  We keep it clean, fresh, and curated - and and we let your data keep you ready for whatever is next.  

Technology Demo Notes

Call w/ Stacy Chapman

CEO Stacy Chapman had a long successful stint in product strategy at PeopleSoft and founded workforce planning vendor Aruspex in 2003. She is a Senior Fellow in HCM at The Conference Board and has been named an “industry veteran” by analyst Bill Kutik.

  • Talent Aggregator – what they do differently?
    • Go into verticals outside of tech: big in oil & gas, etc. and broaden
    • Privately enhance your data
    • Unify and enhance the data
    • The unification for people is their sweet spot
    • Configuring index is part of set up – then presented back however we want
  • (Doing this with the Right Thing and a couple of others).
  • Privately integrate client data into social date: spreadsheets of data, ATS, can take the data and connect to all internet and social data about those people:
    • EX: client recruits oracle people in Federal sector, got a spreadshett of 36k leads, they already had 28k of them… so now when she sees those, she’ll see that she was at the conf with them – more than scraping the internet
    • College hiring – people will take phone pics of resumes, and search to find info on internet.
    • A large RPO, would have insight into previous contact with those people, may be able to see where they are in process
    • What they can do – is give us as much shared info as we want – could segregate Client A from Client B, or can integrate to show that candidate is in process with another client
  • They can manage all levels of privacy
    • Can pull data points from everywhere that person can be found
    • Can manage client privacy, while enabling our people – beyond sourcing there is a value


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