

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Our Mission

To build a connected world that is genuine and trustworthy. We seek to live in a world where the information that we read online is trustable even if we are unable to personally verify it. SpringRole is the platform that furthers that vision by focusing on having verified professional profiles. By collating authentic and genuine users professional profiles worldwide, SpringRole’s vision is to put data control back in the hands of users.

Our Vision

  • To provide a platform to users around the world that puts data control in the hands of it’s users
  • To build skills database and help companies map them to job requirements
  • To collate authentic and genuine users’ professional profiles
  • To build an effective employer-jobseeker relationship

The Solution

We figured that transparency is the biggest problem many companies face during employee verification. Adding to the woes are time taken for verification and the costs involved. And then there is the biggest challenge of finding the right verification partner because hey, ‘one size doesn’t fit all’. So companies are restricted to work with multiple partners and don’t get us even started on the difficulties of maintaining effective relationships with multiple verification partners. We have a solution- SpringRole! SpringRole is designed to save employee verification time and costs for companies. Did you know that the average time spent on verifying hirees is over 3 weeks and money spent on each candidate is over $100? Now, use SpringRole for all your verification requirements in under $50.

With SpringRole, life becomes simpler.

We use a unique 3 level verification system to verify a candidate’s previous work experience, education and skills. The multiple levels of verification enable a robust and a quick verification process. L1 is based on the network and is the fastest. This is publicly displayed as well but is susceptible to fraud. L2 is an independent unbiased third party performing the verification. L3 is a stringent check but prone to bias especially when the relations between the employee and employer are not good.

Verification levels


L1 The protocol uses the candidate’s professional network to verify a job claim or skills. We collect details of at least 3 of the candidate’s colleagues and invite them onto the platform to verify the candidate. Once this is done, the verification is written onto the blockchain. Rest assured, this becomes a secure immutable record.

Verified third party

L2 The protocol allows third party vendors to register on the platform. So if a company is comfortable working with their existing verification partners,they can just invite them to join SpringRole. SpringRole will assist them in performing the verification and the data collected will be written onto the blockchain. Future features on SpringRole will see the verification partners receive rewards for verifying the educational and work experience assertions of candidates.

Direct verification with employers and educational institutions

L3 In parallel, SpringRole is working towards building a network of companies, educational institutions, MOOCs and other certification partners. A level 3 verification will enable SpringRole to verify candidate’s claims directly with previous employers and educational authorities. Once verified, the attestations are written onto the blockchain. Future features on SpringRole will see these direct attestation partners receive rewards for verifying the educational or work experience assertions of candidates.

Technology behind our protocol


Blockchain technologies have, for the first time, enabled an easily integrable and scalable solution where everyone can have an immutable and synchronized digital ledger. We believe that the time is right to build a protocol allowing people to have verified resumes and recommendations powered on the blockchain. A new paradigm is emerging encouraging increased confidence in what we read online about another personʼs professional profile. Additionally, as our protocol is powered by the blockchain it is possible to cryptographically verify the information as and when needed. While there are several use cases that can emerge once such a system is implemented, the main focus for us is on developing a robust protocol that helps solve a critical issue in the hiring and validation process.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are legal contracts enforced via code. A smart contract is a computer protocol intended to digitally facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract. Smart contracts allow the performance of credible transactions without third parties Each attestation on SpringRole is an execution of the smart contract. It includes information about start date, end date, designation, company details etc. Only publicly available information.

AI and Machine learning

There is a feedback loop built into the system which feeds into the AI system.


Own your data

  • It’s time you own your own data. With SpringRole, you gain access to all your verification data and because everything is stored on the blockchain, you can let go of worries about data storage, security or data loss.

Earn Directly

  • Earn rewards for performing various tasks on the platform. No middle-men, you earn directly for your involvement. Rewards can be deemed for various tasks on the platform.

Save Costs

  • Now companies can choose from 3 levels of verifications. L1 is free, L2 comes with a minimal cost and L3 is has slighly higher costs associated. All costs will only be a fraction of today’s exisitng verifiction costs. Depending on the requirements, companies can choose a level of verification. All in all, they save costs no matter what they choose.

Save Time

  • The technology ensures the turn around time is less than before.

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