This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team
Schedule Today Interview Scheduling & Management Application
The Schedule Today interview scheduling and management application is a role based, Web-based
software solution that encompasses all of the functionality necessary for the entire interview process:
- Applicant/Interviewee administration
- E-mail interview invites
- Online administration of interview schedules and available interview slots
- Applicant candidate self-scheduling of interviews
- Applicant candidate status and readme information
- Online interviewer interview reports
- Interviewer availability module
- Interviewer/applicant pairing and scheduling
Additional Resources
Technology Demo Notes
9.9.2014 Call Notes
Call with Zach Hraber
- ZAP – around since 1997: interview scheduling and ATS
- Main niche has been on higher education side, working with admissions. ATS is similar with both, business and education
- Interview schedule set up as stand alone (ScheduleToday)
- COST: Annual licensing fee – unlimited interviews/unlimited users
- Pending how much customization; 5-10k per year
- Based in Pittsburgh, PA with about 23 employees
- Growing: constantly adding clients in higher education, and branch out into corporate HR market as well since functionality is so similar
- Branding – would it be a Wilson or can we sub brand?
- Could sub brand possibly, but would add to cost
- For recruiters/HMs
- Invite them to an interview, they can see available on the calendar and choose available slots
- Web based & role based
- Depending on role in system, see different tabs
- Can get CNs and HMs in system through data import – they provide template files (excel)
- Would have to create account for candidate (name/email address) before inviting
- Can add documents to system
- System does track emails through system – who sent/full text and can resend
- Can select applicant(s)
- And can decide what you want to do:
- Can customize – to have different calendars. Does NOT pull in from Outlook, would have to load in system manually
- Candidate would log in and from there see tabs available
- Then CN could choose from open availability
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